
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Cheese in the trap (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers!!

Finished this drama quite fast, it was interesting, maybe that is the reason :D It made me think a lot about it and also about my own stuff.

So the story revolves about relationship between our main couple who (for a change in dramas) start dating soon in early episodes. They attend the same university so the story revolves also around classmates and their friends (must say her two friends were damn adorable especially I got to like Nam Joo-Hyuk better than I did back in School 2015) XD As for his friends, the siblings, especially Seo Kang-Joon got me (damn his eyes *O*) Luckily I didn't get too annoyed with the love triangle with him, he wasn't pushy which was totally better than some other guys :D Made me slightly want his happy end with her :D Although he was damn stubborn with his blaming our guy for what happened to his hand years ago, there were many misunderstandings... 

Trying to avoid this boy, let's go back to the main couple :D About her character: I could see myself in her a bit... When asked to do something, can't say no, does it even if she has it tougher on her own. Not speaking her honest feelings to her friends or family, holding it to herself. Got to connect with her really :D As for Park Hae-Jin (whole psychopath role in Bad guys I can't get enough of)'s character: he was confusing me :D He was nice but had this dark side of himself where he would do bad things to people who did something to him or people he cared for, he tended to get really scary :D At first I thought he might be screwing with her as well but luckily my eyes noticed that he wouldn't be like he was if his emotions weren't true :D They were totally cute btw :D Had problems too... obviously he wouldn't change for the better, he was this grayish character from start to end and we didn't even get to see if he changed later but we do get to see he realized his wrong-doings :D

I made many notes for quotes so let me write down some that I found meaningful :D They explain best what I can't put into words right now :D And at very end there are some pictures too :D

Min Ji: "You never tell me how you truly feel."
Teacher: "Since the others couldn't do as well as you, you just gave up on them and did the whole thing by yourself, right? I'm sure that was easier."
Yoo Jung: "I'm not the one that's strange. It's all of you. You were like that too. You found me out and laughed cynically. You made judgments about me on your own. And turned the other way. Seol, I'm not strange."
- Seol: "I didn't miss your calls because I was busy. I was angry because of _____, so I avoided them on purpose. These are the answers that I want."
- Yoo Jung: "Why... do you want to hear things like that?"
- Seol: "I said many times. I asked you to be honest with me. And when you weren't, it made me angry and frustrated. I thought it was all your fault. But I realized something this time. I didn't tell you my inner feelings and I demanded you to be honest about your feelings. I won't do that anymore. So I want you to do that too. Don't hide things anymore. I want to see you the way you are.
Seol: "Somewhere along the way... I started to think that as long as you weren't doing it to me, that it was somehow okay. But hurting someone like that... you know that it will come back to you in the end. I wish you wouldn't do that to others. You are such a good person to me. I know you can be that way to others, can't you?"
Seol: "I guess I was paying attention to him too. Behind that sweet smile, he was cold and lonely and child-like. I guess I was quite curious about senior who had a completely different side to him that was only visible to me. That he only chose to show me."
Yoo Jung: "At first I didn't know either... that I'd grow to like someone. Or how frustrating that could be. Or how scary that could be. I just wanted to be with you always. I thought that all I needed was you by my side. I couldn't understand why people looked at me with that kind of expression. Or why people despised me. But I think I get it now. What I'd trampled on was their hearts and their emotions. Why didn't I realize... just how painful that could be?"
Yoo Jung: "When I was younger, I hated the fact that you thought of me as strange. So I did my best
to hold back and hide things. Because I really wanted you to think well of me. I guess I thought that I didn't need to understand others... since I'm a person who can't be understood anyway. And because of this fake victim mentality I mistreated people and judged them however I wanted to and gave them scars. And I didn't realize just how scary those scars could be. I thought that I wasn't strange, but I honestly don't know anymore."
Lastly: worth the watch although there could still be some better things :D But won't complain :D

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