
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Remember (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers :D

Continuing my stalking of Seung Ho, I finally saw his drama Remember. But to be honest I have no idea what to think about it now... Sadly waited for it to be finished... 

Story is about Jin Woo (Seung Ho) with perfect memory whose father is wrongly put in prison. Not trusting anyone anymore he decided to become a lawyer himself and save his father. 5 years later, he becomes great lawyer, still chasing the real killer and how to put him behind bars. Sadly, inheriting it after his father, he also starts showing signs of Alzheimer's.

So what bothered me the most was how the story was told... I mean instead of 20 epis it could simply be 10 enough if done properly, not dragging it etc. Also about story... Why the hell do we need to know who real killer is from the start... loses all the interest... at least for me... + Namgung Min sigh he started to get antipatic for me... and his character isn't that different from drama The girl who sees smells, there he was at least more interesting :D Next I expected more action, more drama, more excitement but after first few episodes I felt like I was twisted around someone's finger in meaning going round and round... Sadly I also think Seung Ho and Park Min-Young didn't fit together all that well... I didn't feel the spark, sorry... The ending... oh I won't articulate about it else than: it was expected, good always wins over the bad and there aren't always happy endings for lovebirds too :P The acting part of everyone? Could have been better, seen better of them... 

Now I should stop spitting bad stuff :D As much as I was excited at first and trailer made me that way again and story seemed promising but... Sadly... Luckily I had some eye-candy, that saved the day :P Sorry there are many crying pictures because those were best (meanie me :D )

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