
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dominos, aftereffects and storms

These three words describe best how things can turn from good to bad and to worse in a single day. Like when you build something with care, correcting your own mistakes by softly fixing the cracks until it is full again, when you build the second store upstairs... You are happy inside of it... 

Then one little wind makes all the pieces of dominos fall and you just stare there for a moment, wondering what just happened. You are suddenly without the thing you worked hard to build... Without that something that felt like home... You wonder where it went wrong... Was it your doing or that little wind that made the dominos fall... someone else's... Who to blame, who to turn to... Who to understand? Who to believe?

I wonder... no I want to be able to read the thoughts of that wind that made the dominos fall... Or the one from few months ago who gave a little shake as well but our house kept standing. Did their house/home fall apart before? Did they lose something as selfconfidence or a place to turn to? They did probably thought about that our house might fall but did it anyway... They thought of consequences but is there any regret now that there are ruins?

Curently there is a strong storm and I hold on to what was left... Talking, listening, waiting, being patient... Trying to understand both sides, trying not to make one guilty or angry... Knowing my words could hurt because I can't explain it well... 

But there is something I want to tell this one friend of mine (if you are reading) -  I'm waiting. Waiting for the storm to calm down. There are already some aftereffects but I hope there is a way around it. I'll wait... You say you like spring and how everything starts anew... I'll wait for that kind of spring even if it is next year :D Don't be upset if I don't say anything or if it looks like I have fun on my own or something... That's my way of waiting because I don't want to add salt to the wounds, they should heal first. To distract myself from overthinking while waiting, I need to have a good time :D 

But somewhere inside there is this little me waiting for her friend :D 

P.S.: Sorry for the many indirect words and such... I hope it isn't too hard to understand *hides*

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