
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Swimming after ages

I am not sure if I spoke about this but I made a deal with my sisters for my birthday. It was that they should plan activity with me as I want to spend more time with each of them. One of such activity was today. Went swimming with our new mommy in the morning (made sure David was in our mom's care for an hour or two). It was great moving my riggid muscles a little and we might go once per week from now on but need to talk about something little with her too (regarding the tickets XD). 

I realized something today though. Well, a few things. I forgot how much I like water, been ages since summer last year and recreative swimming is also exciting, not only dumping my ass in water, playing around but actually swimming. Another thing I realized that my fear of height is a little connected with fear of deep water (damn the pool had over 2m of water xD) but once I was in, that all vanished hihi xD Next, I actually am riggid but not as much as I thought :D Being able to swim accross the olympic pool 24 times is like wow for me :D 

Lastly, I got inspired... sigh... now want to write a story based on swimming or something connected to it xD But uh lazy... :D Although my mind is never lazy when thinking up meany plots (muahaha) ^^

"Warning, warning! Fish in the pool, fish in the pool. We can't get her out! We need assistance! Over."

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