
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Page turner (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers :D 

"This is the warm story of three youths. Like a page turner who turns music sheets, they aid the performance in the closest place... and do their best to make the performer shine. They'll become your best partner. As we mentioned, let us emphasise that this is... a story of three youths... who become page turners to each other."

This is how this short drama starts and I must say it was really just like it says. We have these three kids, each with their own dream without which they wouldn't be able to function. The girl (Kim Soo Hyun!! one of best child actors for me) is best in class, pianist but a little arogant towards others, listens well to her mother and does as she planned it for her. Then there is second in class boy, really religic, who is often target of her arogance and with bad support from home, he really wishes to become best pianist but his confidence is that of someone who is always pushed down, never praised. Then lastly we have another boy (Ji Soo <3) who trains pole jumping, can't stand if someone looks down on him or his mother who struggles to raise him. When 10000% determined, he can make miracles happen. 

One single heartfelt wish second place boy made in church (LOL) to punish her arogance, actually hits both the other two kids. Soo Hyun gets in car accident and becomes blind, her piano carreer threatened while her mother stubbornly insists she should continue. The second hit was on Ji Soo who had small accident at pole jumping when attempting really high score. The doctor told him he strained his back too much and that he can't do sport anymore... It actually hit the first boy too as it felt like he caused this with his wish. Now how will these three kids heal? Dreams are gone or there is no courage to persue it. 

I want to add here quote from Ji Soo when his mother's umbrella broke... From cheerful laugh to a really hurtful crying...
- It's broken, but it's so funny.
- Cha Sik...
- It's so funny that it's making me cry. It's so funny.
- It's okay, Cha Sik.
- I'm okay, Mum. It's just... It's just funny. That umbrella looks like me.

If you ask me, it is him who was in the end page turner who influanced the other two the most. He became her guide at school to learn about music himself and made it possible for the other boy to get his first praise from her. At the same time he found his new goal, to become pianist as well. She helped him with that with her strict teaching hihi :D He succeeded in a really short time despite being slightly stupid, all at the end with his determination alone. It is like he created miracles. Also I liked his relationship with Soo Hyun, they were really cute :D
This drama is perfect if you want a short and warm story of three youths. Sure I miss something at the end but only my biasing over Ji Soo does that to me. Regarding the story in general it was lovely covered, characters grew in merely 3 episodes. Overall lovely and recommended!! What's left now? Yes little Ji Soo spam :3

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