
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The magician (korean movie)

Warning: possible spoilers :D

I seldom watch korean movies or movies in general. There is always three types of them: really good, really bad or golden middle :D For The Magician/Joseon Magician, I find it somewhere between golden middle and towards the good part. Why? Because I simply enjoyed in it and at had none moment of boredom :D 

Shortly about the story? We have Hwan-Hee the most known magician aka illusionist who seems to bathe in fame or at least I imagined him so. In reality he is still not over his physically abused childhood. Off the stage he finds himself in drinks, drugs and women (more or less lol). He is also unconfident because one of his eye has blue color and the other brown. Was always outcast etc. As child he escaped with his "sister" from their abuser, magician from Qing dynasty and leads the curent life in Joseon which was just won over by the Qing. To "please" the new ruler Joseon has to send a wife for the new ruler and we get our lady Cheong-Myung (as Hwan-Hee later named her) from unknown family posing as the princess and is traveling to the Qing to marry. On her way the two meet and fall in love :D But can it be? He doesn't know who she is at first, will he be okay knowing? Will it be okay with Qing's political ploting in the background? And another obstacle is that Qing magician who plans to get back at Hwan-Hee and his sister...

Sound somehow heavy? It isn't that much as I expected it because there are also comical parts. But I must admit I waited for the finale because I knew stuff will happen and I prayed for the good end without anyone dying or the couple split up... Won't say what the end was :D I am slightly confused about it but I think I get it about their wish of a world where all are accepted, where there is no class etc. Have to put my imagination on as it is slightly fantasy this movie :D 

Lastly: can I bias over Yoo Seung-Ho (Hwan-He)? It gives me memories of past dramas I saw him in, especially the assassin role in Warrior Baek Dong So, the white god in Arang and the magistrate... yes long hair sure fit him :3 or the lonely boy in I miss you... Since this is his comeback after military, I am glad he picked this because I think he did good, especially the last scenes *O* Damn he is merely 22 years old xDDD Now I look forward to two other works of his from last year that I have planned to watch soon :D  And of course I can't forget a little picture spam, as usally :D Shouldn't be spoilerific :D Or just in case, better avoid them :D Can't really guarantee... xDDD And completelly at the end is the trailer for the curious ones :D 

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