
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


So tomorrow I leave for a 3 days trip to Croatia with my sister (some already knew). I am actually slightly nervous because I didn't much hang out with my sisters, especially oldest one (12 years older). The other I met more often two years ago when I babysitted my nephew :D Secondly I don't know much of what she planned, she only said she won't go easy on me or just lie around and be lazy :D I don't mind that either because when I am in unknown, new place I have a lot to see, explore and I just need my phone for pictures and can go anywhere :D 

But beside slight nervousness I am also excited :D

What I want to also add at this point is that I wish my friend's fast recovery while I am away and hopefully can hear from you on Saturday if not earlier :D Also to the rest: I'll be away so don't spam my facebook or any other site please :D I'll try not to overlook something when I come to check it up :D If I do, let me know :)

Let's go! Rovinj here we come!

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