
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


“Hey… look she is doing it again…”
The other character moved closer behind the writing girl. “What?! She is making us suffer again… What did we even do to her?”

“I don’t know but… that smile of hers is scary…”
“True… but isn’t this better than when she does other stuff and completely forgets or is too lazy to write about us…”
“That is the worst yes! Thinking about it now… I guess she can do what she wants with us as long as we have a happy end right?”
“I hope you are right this time as well…”

This is what my characters think of me hihi I wrote this some time ago because it is just so true :D At times I have this rush and words just flow out of me just like Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty lol when he replied to prayers, that is best image of me then :D But on other occasions I leave it rest for days or weeks and that I don't like either... Or even worse imagining plots for my next project without finishing curent one... makes me less concentrated on the work I should be finishing first... 

I read sometime ago that writers should enjoy in writing every day but I guess I am not there... only as a hobby and when my own mood allows me... I don't like that either... 

Today let's do my best to write again :D Motivation come! Inspiration come! Fighting! xD

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