
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dad and me xD

We get some features from our parents and it is lovely to know what you get from whom. As for my dad we both are semi-quiet people who speak only when we have something important to say, like we don't really like small talk or things that we heard 1000 times before for the 1001st time. 

Also I think we both are people who have troubles expressing ourselves when it comes to emotions or when it comes speaking to someone who has troubles etc. 

But there are still small surprises he gives me here and then and it's somehow cute of him and in just those few words I can know how he feels. Example today when I went to his car in the morning he more or less mumbled: 
"You aren't wearing much again... Where is your hat? Then you'll be sick again..."
Sorry dad I heard ya XD

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