
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Cards and letters

So I thought I should store the cards I got last year's Christmas time or some that came just like that out of the blue :D Than I saw how many cards I already have from my international friends, mainly birthday and Christmass/New year wishes. I had those in a folder but moved them into a shoe box which is suddenly almost full *O* 

It was really nice to go through them and see that even if I don't talk with some regularily, they still think of me in times of holidays etc. It was lovely to see all those many pretty cards and wishes. The earliest ones are way back from 2012 when I became more online friendships active. 

The picture below shows my latest cards and messages that I got, lovely :D

Then there are so many smaller or longer notes or letters (please be good and don't really read them, it's just a pic to show how I store them) :D But I finished my new empty book just today (is still drying) so I might use it to put inside these lovely letters. I might from time to time write some as well so feel free to write me back, I'll store them for sure :D Also thanks to those who lovely made sure my stamps collection increased :) My loveliest stamps are posted at my Instagram account. 

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