
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stories and ideas

Ah how I wish to live in more realities at the same time to be able to write all of my ideas for stories... How I wish I would at each free time have the motivation to write... Somehow the worst is when motivation sucks lately but ideas just bloom like flowers on warm spring days... It is even worse because I don't have control over ideas because they mainly sprout in my dreams and if I am lucky enough I remember then in the morning... How I wish someone would write from my ideas haha because I simply don't have the time and motivation, especially lately... At least I am storing the ideas, you never know when I'll find what I need to write it :D

Let's be careful with books :D

How does it feel to hold a brand new book in your hands? A book that still smells from the factory? A book that has soft pages that easily turn? It feels great right? It does to me too :D

Then there is a time when you come in contact with a book that went through numerous hands who all thought it is a new book and didn't treat it carefully... A book that was pushed inside a small bag or was used for other stuff than for reading? Some people do that too you know. 

Great and not so great Saturday

Two things went on yesterday.

First, all I can say about this ski jumping result is : BRAVO!! First, second, third, sixth etc. some other great results.

Secondly, the not so great news... at our highway around 50 vehicles crashed together (70 vehicles were involved?) in an accident, 4 trucks and a bus... o.O Cause: fog as usually... and the way people drive... 4 or so dead, luckily not more... More infos and some pictures at our news site.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Creative idea

Are you wondering what to do when you use up your tape? You are left with the round thingy that usually goes straight to trash right? Here is small idea how to re-use it :D

- tape leftover
 - old or for you too small sock (washed pff) with a pattern
- scissors
- thread
- cardboard in round shape
- glue

Take the socks and cut off the top part a little bit above the part where your heel would be. Where you have cut it, sew the ends together. Place the tape leftover inside the sock and bend in the remaining fabric. You can glue the fabric on the sides outside or inside, that is if you want. If you don't, you can glue only the roundly shaped cardboard you placed on the bottom. That's it :D 

Here is my example I made from a pair of socks. It can be used for storing little things or if you have tiny flower pot you can place it inside as well. There can be also other useful ideas how to use it :D


Friday, January 29, 2016

Letter to my friend

I am unsure if you'll ever read this but I want to put some words together. 

We are (were?) best friends since when? Since we were 10 years old or so? Almost 20 years? That is more than half of our lives :D Sadly the last years I find it hard to call you my best friend because I don't know much about you anymore and you don't know much about me for sure. People ask me why I don't know things about you that they know. It is simply because I wish to hear them from you. Why do I need to find out things about you through other people? It isn't like our phones are broken or that our numbers have changed...  If you have troubles, if you need a hand I am still here... 

Never satisfied

When it comes to actors I get to like I am never satisfied. In what kind of meaning? Let me explain...

1. You start to like an actor that has lotsa filmography it is not good because you either can't decide what to see first or don't have time to check all you want or before you do that you find another new actor you like and want to stalk that one more. But if you are lucky you return back because there is a compartment in my brain for that :D

2. You start to like an actor that has not much filmography (my problem recently) or is a rookie actor and you end up seeing everything you can in a blast and then you keep whining when his next work will come...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

New look

Ahhh finally changed my look a little although am still unsure if I like it, need to get used to it. 

Needed new glasses because my vision changed a little and the glasses really make me look different than before. They are rounder, bigger, kinda Harry Potterish feeling lol something like the ones on the picture below.

Walks through capital Ljubljana

Yesterday I walked a lot through the capital. First in the morning and later in the afternoon as well before going home :D Let me show you some pictures I took :D

My morning walk is very often through the old part of the town most of the time by the river Ljubljanica, pass the Tromostovje (three bridges sqare), pass our greatest poet Mr. France Prešeren's statue with his muse towards the Dragon bridge guarded by two dragons on each side of the bridge (4 in total) then through small alleys which I didn't take pictures of :D So here is the sight, I really like the morning pictures because the lights and not yet fully risen sun give a little bit of mystical feeling :D

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Little bit about my boy :D

My little boy, since we got him as a year or so old puppy, was always afraid of water... Is it only a breed or is there something else? Will come back to this topic later. First let me tell his trip before he came to us. 

He was born in a nice family but because the owners of his mother couldn't raise the many new puppies, they were all given away to other people in hopes of good care. Not long after the first owner got the notice from a shelter kilometers away that he was found and to come pick him up. I don't know how long he was in the shelter thou but when he came back home, his mother didn't recognize him anymore and they were in constant fight for toys, loud etc. So the owner decided to give him away again but this time to people that would really care for him. So he found us who saw his advertisement in a newspaper. There was only one condition when we came to pick him up. We signed a paper that we would stay in contact and inform them how Max is doing so the same thing wouldn't happen again. I guess he was damn lucky boy who is being 1000% spoiled now :D 

Dad and me xD

We get some features from our parents and it is lovely to know what you get from whom. As for my dad we both are semi-quiet people who speak only when we have something important to say, like we don't really like small talk or things that we heard 1000 times before for the 1001st time. 

Also I think we both are people who have troubles expressing ourselves when it comes to emotions or when it comes speaking to someone who has troubles etc. 

But there are still small surprises he gives me here and then and it's somehow cute of him and in just those few words I can know how he feels. Example today when I went to his car in the morning he more or less mumbled: 
"You aren't wearing much again... Where is your hat? Then you'll be sick again..."
Sorry dad I heard ya XD

Monday, January 25, 2016

Favorite drama ost song of 2015

Been listening a little to youtube mixes of drama osts and I gotta say there is one that still sticks in my memory and I keep relistening to it and always feeling so awwwww after it :D Song + the drama itself was for me best pick of 2015 :D 

Also a little about the drama Healer, just little, better worth the watch :D Our main boy, under pen name Healer works as night courier, does what the job says as long as he can get the money for it so he can realize his dream plus is kinda loner because the works can get dangerous so he don't really make connections with people etc. Then we have our main girl who works as reporter and there is another reporter she respects but he is looking for his niece (one of the Healer's tasks) and our girl reporter is one of the possibilities. Later the male reporter asks Healer to protect her and so we get to see his kinda Clark Kent side as a clumsy, easily scared and shy boy who joins the reporter station she works at. All three later find their connection to one another. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

K-dramas 2015 and 2016 hmmm

Just "small" list (taken from http://wiki.d-addicts.com/ ) which I plan to go through and mark myself series that I saw or plan to see that aired in 2015 or will air in 2016. I left out the broadcasting stations and time slots from the list, not needed for me :D There are many I didn't decide yet because it's damn a lot and I need my time, slowly bit by bit :D Should first check the already planned ones :D 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Handmade notebooks

So this is what I talked about in my previous post. The second handmade notebook that I made (left). This time it is brown one with some cute pattern on the fabric that I used. On the right, the flower pattern one is my first one that I made a week or two ago. 

I had a little bit of troubles with the second one because the hard covers were obviously a bit too thin and started bending as soon as I applied the glue... still knowing all the troubles, it turned out better than expected :D 

Cards and letters

So I thought I should store the cards I got last year's Christmas time or some that came just like that out of the blue :D Than I saw how many cards I already have from my international friends, mainly birthday and Christmass/New year wishes. I had those in a folder but moved them into a shoe box which is suddenly almost full *O* 

It was really nice to go through them and see that even if I don't talk with some regularily, they still think of me in times of holidays etc. It was lovely to see all those many pretty cards and wishes. The earliest ones are way back from 2012 when I became more online friendships active. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Little one

Little update about this sweetie of mine :D We were at vet today to check up his ear tips again which is slowly getting better. Vet said it is working but we still gotta give more medicine... 

He got two shots today again and even vet praised him that he seems calmer this time than last week. I agree, he was calmer and let the vet check up on him. Maybe the warm welcome the vet gave him worked as well. When we came inside he squatted down to him and caressed him a lil and Max waved his tail happily :D Or maybe mom and I were less nervous as well :D All of that helps to make our baby boy good :D 

Although I feel a bit silly at the vet clinic haha me and mom talk to Max as if he was really our baby boy, tell him like: "Now the doctor will check it so stay still, it's okay. Good boy here is a cookie for you." Bit awkward but isn't it cute? :D 

Well that's it about it, next Thursday we go back again, we should have come on friday but vet said Thursday so he will be the one to check it up as he already knows his condition :D I didn't like this guy vet before but now he seems fine and is slowly getting used to our little whiny boy :D

Now the sleepy head is already resting, soon bed time but let's snuggle first :D

Random laugh

When people are decieved by my looks :D It is funny :) No I'm not meaning anything bad... it's just when a person tells you she can't imagine me doing drugs or even less being drunk hahaha ok sure drugs are off limits because it just isn't me... but hmmm I can recall some drunk times when I was lil younger oops 

I guess my good girl image is still intact ^^

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The client (korean movie)

Saw this movie last night and was too lazy to talk about it :D I am not really sure how this movie found itself on my to-watch list but at least it wasn't waste of my time like some movies :D

So this movie's genre is crime again, my favorite genre so I tend to be a little picky here and there but must say I wasn't really bored although some things could have gone by faster but still 2 hours and something, it's okay :D

Soul's medicine

Today I was in paradise practically in the middle of our capital, near the Prešeren statue. I didn't know of this place, a friend told me about it and I said: "I should go check it out." So I went... and there I came into a paradise where you can leave your soul if you don't go out soon enough... well you leave your wallet there as well hahaha

Anyway I went to Rayher, the hobbyart store and the place just rocks!! Below are some pictures I borrowed from Mr. Google.

I went because I needed to buy some color paper for my books that I am making and ended up buying a glue as well and new hot glue gun. But if I had more money damn I would be like that woman that paid around 150€ for the stuff she bought haha Oh well I would also need more than one hour to check everything they have because the two stores store just swallows you if you have a creative heart like myself. I'll definitelly visit again :3

Below is today's catch (I already used the faint orange paper so it was 10 colors before) :D

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Photos of the day :)

Took some photos in the capital although I was really cold :3

Cheer up! (korean drama)

Somehow this was bit of a normal school series but it still really got me hooked for the story or better to say its characters. The school where grades are important, school where rich kids with good parent backup can't get along with poor. The rich kids that don't seem to have problem in the world but actually suffer the most. The parents that push them to their limits, making their whole future plans that they have to follow even if that means they go to school only to learn and never have fun...

A little about me :D

Seriously I'm doing too much thinking lately... :D

I mentioned a little in previous postings how my friendships are... yes the trees :D I really like this comparison because as long as the tree needs to grow I need to get attached to people :D Slowly, learning, getting to know their preferences, likes, dislikes etc. A friend told me it took us a year to get more personal and talk things that weren't related only to our common interests.

Monday, January 18, 2016

"You weren't there."

Why does it sting so much by hearing/reading that simple sentence? 

Because you know your thoughts, compassion, warm words... all that I have such problems to express... won't ever be treated equal to those that were there... it simply hurts... 

Rock, paper, scissors

Today while driving with the bus, watching how everything was passing by... feeling a little melancholic because of latest stuff that has been happening... I saw two high schoolers that played rock, paper, scissors to decide who will sit by the window. I haven't seen people do that here, it's such a asian stuff rofl so I felt connection. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016


“Hey… look she is doing it again…”
The other character moved closer behind the writing girl. “What?! She is making us suffer again… What did we even do to her?”

“I don’t know but… that smile of hers is scary…”
“True… but isn’t this better than when she does other stuff and completely forgets or is too lazy to write about us…”
“That is the worst yes! Thinking about it now… I guess she can do what she wants with us as long as we have a happy end right?”
“I hope you are right this time as well…”

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Present for little David

The little David got a little better and we (mostly mom and I but also dad) prepared a "little" present for him or more like his parents XD Hopefully he gets to go home soon so he can fully enjoy the little spoiling from not only his parents but us as well :D

What the present is? It's a diaper cake ^^ Maaany diapers in two sizes were placed around the shampoo and wet tissues (still packed lol) that were in the middle. Some wrapping paper, two bears and some band to wrap it around and make ribbons :D Totally cute and can't wait to surprise my sis with it :D

Go go creative Anny ^^

Friday, January 15, 2016


"So very silently to not wake up even a butterfly."
The 7th chapter's title of my curently ongoing book 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami :D

Plus my origami heart bookmark :)

Made a goal at the start of this year to read at least 20 books in 2016 because I know my reading decreased lately so it is a way to motivate myself :D This is my second and all I can say: ganbarimasu/fighting ^^

My little one

Spent some time at the vet today. My little Max is without hair on tips of his ears and his skin feels like scales... Is visible on the picture... Trying to fix it :D

He got two shots of medicine and creme to apply to his ears three times a day... Next appointment is next Friday when he will get two more shots and hopefully it gets better...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Be all right!

The little David... please be all right...
He was born on 8. january 2016 in 34th week, 46 cm and only 2,2kg...
Still in hospital...
Had baby jaundice...
Got bluish today in the face... breathing problems?
Intensive care...

"You walking toward me"

I simply have to share this discovery of mine :D My inner sensor for guys who can play and do nice rock music rang since morning and I kept replaying this since then :D

Adding translation (credit to popgasa.com)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Asian music and me

It is my first post in the personal section and since I got the great idea, let me start off with this. :P

I often find myself in a difficult situation when people ask me of my taste in music. Here, asian music isn't that known or hmmm accepted as something good, I think many still swear like the ones in english language or our own is best and top of the world. Sure it is, I admit I like it too but my daily life has almost always asian music as well, is kinda dominant.

Overview of music year 2015

Making this overview for the first time but I thought I should do it (obviously have too much time :P).

Actually should have named this post differently: Best of the best songs in 2015. Yes I didn't only listen to single artist (although it was pretty close to that) but I also listened to some new korean groups but didn't really stick with them the same as I stick with my favorite band FT Island. :) And yes this is a praising post to their ability to still hold my heart to them. :D

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Reply 1997 (korean drama)

I must say this drama was too long on my to-watch list and I don't know why it took me so long to see it :D After finishing it, I'm glad I did not give up on it :D