
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

When nature strikes

The past few weeks nature gave us many sunshines and warm themperatures, it really felt like spring has come, even early summer-like feelings... The nature was waking up, all blooming... We were walking around with short sleeves, preparing garden for the vegetables etc.

Then yesterday it struck... Rain was falling, slowly turning to frozen rain (saw it pile up on neighboor's garage) then snow, really a lot of it falling down for hours... 

It suddenly got colder by 10 degrees or more... I wasn't paying much attention to it, thinking ah it won't be much... Then today I woke up to this...

The difference is visible right... Since am home alone (mom went out for the day), I took Max out for his toilet needs and kept watching this scene... The flowers sticking their pretty blooms out of the snow... the blooms on trees are watery, look like someone drained energy out of them, fearing how the apples will be able to grow now... The neighbor's elderberry, blooming plum and hazel trees all bent to our side really low, some are broken and will need to be cut a bit... I helped them by gently cleaning some snow off of them... I cleaned snow from protective fabric we have placed over blueberries that were already blooming... some of the blooms were on the floor... blooming strawberries were covered in 10-15cm snow... When I cleared snow from the currants I saw it was already making little balls... I can't see asparagus that was courageously pushing his way out of the earth... 

It saddens me a bit... Nature's surprises...

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

~Monologue to myself~

Days when my pms or really low mood kicks in I should seriously build a pillow castle, turn the lock and isolate myself...
One, those that come in touch with this poisonous being feel like I am not myself or that I act weird... Misunderstandings etc. are often the products... But I do not want to explain... I want to act normal,  listen as usually but I always end up failing... My stupid head wants to reply to people (which turns bad) because I feel like if I don't, they think I am upset about something... So I made myself think: "When you feel bad, don't say what you feel because it can hurt others." I should do so but always, always end up doing stupid things...
Two, the reason is within myself... All gets on my nerves... The smallest things... I am slow-minded due to lack of energy... Don't in understand as fast as usually what someone is saying, what I should reply etc.. The self-criticism is up the roof... "Why can't you do it right?" "Stupid!" I get too emotional especially blaming myself for smallest things which also makes me cry easily (want to just now)...
Had to let it out, criticizing myself again, not people around me... Yes ended up crying as usually... "Stupid!"
Mrs. Snail is looking for her safe house...

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Remember (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers :D

Continuing my stalking of Seung Ho, I finally saw his drama Remember. But to be honest I have no idea what to think about it now... Sadly waited for it to be finished... 

Story is about Jin Woo (Seung Ho) with perfect memory whose father is wrongly put in prison. Not trusting anyone anymore he decided to become a lawyer himself and save his father. 5 years later, he becomes great lawyer, still chasing the real killer and how to put him behind bars. Sadly, inheriting it after his father, he also starts showing signs of Alzheimer's.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Current watch plan :)

Thought I'll write this one down as what I am having in near watching-plan or what I have ready to watch or what I watch lol :)

Friday, April 22, 2016


Listening to my group these days instensively again :) 
Can't help but get emotional at songs like this... Hong Ki's voice fits sooo well to the lyrics...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


... it was another swimming-in-the-morning day. Met with my sister again. :) It is lovely to go actually as we can talk this and that but also do something for ourselves. I might wanna keep this routine of swimming once per week at least until I get steady job ^^ It feels great :D

... I held my second nephew for the first time <3 Little boy looked at me with those big curious eyes, with that small baby smile hanging on his face, gurgling something as if trying to talk to me :D Lovely to see him getting stronger and bigger after first complications after his birth... He will get to be a big man soon :) Curious ones I can share picture somewhere private hihi Some already got it :D *proud*

... me and mom hid from older nephew when we came to sister's house. And it was right we did. Around that time his dad takes him to kindergarten and if he were to see us, it would be tough for him to go. Even better decision was it when sister said he protested from going to kindergarten today, didn't wanna wake up, eat, dreass up :D Little kiddo causing little problems :)
... I sent two applications for open jobs, need to do some others on Saturday too, these two were more urgent to do today because of due date :) Have my eyes on four others too so will have enough time to think about them till Saturday :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Little update

I am still working on this psychology book that I need to correct. I didn't explain before but when the book is scanned for blind and partially sighted, the computer transforms pictures into text by recognizing the signs :D Thing is when you do this, mistakes appear (like instead of e, there can be c or o. Or with numbers 2 often appears as 3 or 8 and similar stuff...). For computer that seems fine but when you see the meaning it is like na-ah so totally wrong :) So what I do? I read the whole book through (only 800 pages or so lol), correct mistakes, make chapters, errase all text decorations that blind can not see but "code" it differently. For example I can not use bold or italic because that doesn't tell them anything. The text-to-voice or braille line doesn't show that. I use "" instead. The problem is also with the footnotes because braille line doesn't read it... What about pictures? Should describe them? How when there are complicated pictures and explain it in a way someone who can't see, can imagine it? Luckily I don't do descriptions yet, I only insert the text behind the picture or below it that is already in original text. How fast does this go? In 7 hours (more or less concentrated) I make 25-30 pages... Lovely :)

Also I called and made a date for my white baby's first doctor's appointment :) I'm talking about my car I bought last year :) Preventive check up after half a year :) I hope my baby won't be scared too much :D Stupid girl it's a car, a machine, it doesn't have feelings... Yes it does, shut up :D 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The priests (korean movie)

Yes I came home from the trip last night but had time to watch yet another movie. And luckily I saw it when I wasn't that much excited to see it :D Why? Well I decided on this movie because my Joo Won's doppleganger Dong Won is usually good in acting (not saying he wasn't this time XD) and because the trailer seemed exciting :D

3 days trip to Croatia

I won't write my whole trip in words. Will take too long so take your time and watch this through :D
We stayed in Rovinj in hotel but were very little there, were outside a lot since the weather was really great, warm, bit windy but sunny! We also visited beaches, church of saint Eufenija with her sarcophagus, old part of Rovinj, old quarry which isn't used anymore but nice sight even more so when you see climbers train there :) We also ate really delicious food. On last day we left Rovinj early and went towards Lim fjord with sea water reaching inside the forest through a canal, lovely. We also stopped in Motovun which is famous for film festival and also found out about the legend about giant/s protecting the city :D Lovely all in all :D And while driving around I really had this Supernatural feeling :D Why? Because roads were practically empty and we had loud rock music on (it was group Rainbow from 80ies) :D Like two brothers there, here we were two sisters :D Only demons were missing haha

Overall it was really fun! :D

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


So tomorrow I leave for a 3 days trip to Croatia with my sister (some already knew). I am actually slightly nervous because I didn't much hang out with my sisters, especially oldest one (12 years older). The other I met more often two years ago when I babysitted my nephew :D Secondly I don't know much of what she planned, she only said she won't go easy on me or just lie around and be lazy :D I don't mind that either because when I am in unknown, new place I have a lot to see, explore and I just need my phone for pictures and can go anywhere :D 

But beside slight nervousness I am also excited :D

What I want to also add at this point is that I wish my friend's fast recovery while I am away and hopefully can hear from you on Saturday if not earlier :D Also to the rest: I'll be away so don't spam my facebook or any other site please :D I'll try not to overlook something when I come to check it up :D If I do, let me know :)

Let's go! Rovinj here we come!

Shoot me in the heart (korean movie)

This movie made me a little confused because at some moments I wanted to laugh but at some moments I was really angry or even sad... 

This lovely mix is going on at a mental hospital. We have two boys acted by Lee Min-Ki (who I saw in some other works before) and Yeo Jin-Goo (who is one of my favorite youngest actors and was also great as child actor since way back, I remember Iljimae ah the cutie XD). *cough* Anyway back to the story :D Lee Min-Ki's character is outgoing, loud, free but is locked in the hospital because his family is fighting over inheritance and he is kinda in a way, almost made him crazy at some point. He is the troublemaker who tries to escape the hospital. Then there is Yeo Jin-Goo's character which is timid, silent, wants to avoid trouble and wants to hide from the world and also from himself due to his trauma regarding mother's suicide (this was the sad part...). Sadly he gets more and more tangled up with the troublesome Min-Ki until he joins him in trying to escape as well :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Page turner (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers :D 

"This is the warm story of three youths. Like a page turner who turns music sheets, they aid the performance in the closest place... and do their best to make the performer shine. They'll become your best partner. As we mentioned, let us emphasise that this is... a story of three youths... who become page turners to each other."

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Socialphobia (korean movie)

Just saw this korean movie and must say it is slightly scary how social media works, how people are twisted around hot topics, online bullying, threatening etc. Somehow really scary to watch :D 


This post is completely different than the last o.O Such mood swing lol :D 

Why? I finished the book I was reading for too long... It wasn't boring but time and mood made me read so slow but my stubborness insisted until today when I finished it. I actually started this somewhere in January if I am not wrong... I loaned it from the library, prolonged it and prolonged it until I couldn't anymore. Thanks to being member of librarians association and free membership to other libraries, I signed in another library and loaned the same book again :D My hard work has paid off :D 

Now my mood is just right for writing after ages, let's go!!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Dominos, aftereffects and storms

These three words describe best how things can turn from good to bad and to worse in a single day. Like when you build something with care, correcting your own mistakes by softly fixing the cracks until it is full again, when you build the second store upstairs... You are happy inside of it... 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Imaginary cat (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers :D

So this one was really short (8 episodes only 30 minutes long) but it was just right. With simple story like this it would be boring if it was any longer. xD Worth the watch :D

This simple and warm story, as I got it, is mainly focused on relationship between a human and his/her pet, in this case a cat. Our lead boy (Seung Ho <3), a webtoon writer who didn't debut yet is living with his lovely fluffy cat who at times seems to be more like a lover haha (can totally relate to it xD). He found the cat 7 years ago when he had his toughest time after the death of the girl he loved. The kitty entered his life and we more or less follow his daily lives when he tries to debut and also as a new person cat-lover enters his life.

Swimming after ages

I am not sure if I spoke about this but I made a deal with my sisters for my birthday. It was that they should plan activity with me as I want to spend more time with each of them. One of such activity was today. Went swimming with our new mommy in the morning (made sure David was in our mom's care for an hour or two). It was great moving my riggid muscles a little and we might go once per week from now on but need to talk about something little with her too (regarding the tickets XD). 

I realized something today though. Well, a few things. I forgot how much I like water, been ages since summer last year and recreative swimming is also exciting, not only dumping my ass in water, playing around but actually swimming. Another thing I realized that my fear of height is a little connected with fear of deep water (damn the pool had over 2m of water xD) but once I was in, that all vanished hihi xD Next, I actually am riggid but not as much as I thought :D Being able to swim accross the olympic pool 24 times is like wow for me :D 

Lastly, I got inspired... sigh... now want to write a story based on swimming or something connected to it xD But uh lazy... :D Although my mind is never lazy when thinking up meany plots (muahaha) ^^

"Warning, warning! Fish in the pool, fish in the pool. We can't get her out! We need assistance! Over."

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ft Island - N.W.U (new album) and leader's visit in Tanzania

🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶
Oh yes, the boys did it again :D

The new japanese album of my favorite korean rock group is as usually really nice mix of rock and poppish style of music.

Hong Ki, you should never lose your voice, seriously can't get enough of it and how well their music affects my mood :D Rockish makes me become hyper and productive and ballads make me emotional and/or also smile.

Can't wait for some live performances and for the good people who will make english translations of the lyrics (yes this is my opinion only based on music with only slight understanding of the lyrics XD).

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Marriage blue (korean movie)

Here I am with another finished movie from last night :) Friend recommended this one for me but it took me really long to see it xD

The movie centers on four couples that are a week before marriage. All couples are different, with different stories and also different pre-marriage problems :) The happiest day of their lives is approaching but all are at the verge of breaking up... 

Who from them got to reach the happy day? Naaaah am not telling :D Go to watch if you are curious :) It is worth the watch! 

Monday, April 4, 2016

The magician (korean movie)

Warning: possible spoilers :D

I seldom watch korean movies or movies in general. There is always three types of them: really good, really bad or golden middle :D For The Magician/Joseon Magician, I find it somewhere between golden middle and towards the good part. Why? Because I simply enjoyed in it and at had none moment of boredom :D 

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Haven't wrote about myself lately because I didn't feel like writing about it... It wasn't all that great, the moody days and negative thoughts all around me (still are a bit) and because I know others have bigger problems than mine so it didn't feel right to blabber about myself. Especially on FB or anywhere else. Since I am tiny better now about that and since this is where I can blabber as I wish, it might be okay to put out the heaviness.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Cheese in the trap (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers!!

Finished this drama quite fast, it was interesting, maybe that is the reason :D It made me think a lot about it and also about my own stuff.