
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Work consultant

Had to visit my work consultant today as 3 months already passed by as an unemployed person I am :P Kinda have to go each 3 months to look back at the past 3 months. I somehow treat this bit as formality but maybe I should get more easy going with it, especially after today's meeting. 

Today I was told the good things about me being organized, keeping my word, being on time etc. kinda find myself such robotic person when I write this now haha but she said again that this things will for sure be useful someday. Let's hope that then ne :D 

I was also told that I lack "softness" were her exact words. Like when I report my monthly things that go on with work searching I only write: "I sent this and this there and there. DOT". That I need to adjust more to different people :) Kinda right ne~ 

When I said I barely get any reply from places I applied to she told me that has become kinda like a virus among employers. But pointed it out that I should have called too to ask what is going on with my application. She also read me well when she said I take the unanswered application too much to my heart like it's personal. Indeed I was really down cuz of it, need to ignore it more this bitter feeling and maybe call to check because she said I'd feel better if I know I did all I could. It felt like being back in school but not in bad way. It is good I got some things pointed out that others wouldn't say or there wouldn't be other place to learn this. 

But as some of my friends already know I'm often a closed up person and get to know people slowly. So it takes time to lose the formalities... I should work on myself more. And consultant's words can be applied to other things as well like friendship. I kept lamenting other day that there is no one I can rely to or call when I want to meet up. But actually that was my fright to be rejected... There are many people I have in my phonebook or facebook but too many I actually know or dare to ask to meet up or get to know each other better. Always self-centerly thinking like: why should I always take the iniciative and ask or call... Maybe because of the time when I felt tired of always being first to contact... Like consultant said to me today: "The world is bad, you should know that, it isn't only good things." Maybe I'm still too immature at some points :D

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