
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Scandal - The very shocking and immoral incident (korean drama)

So here I am with new drama report :D Finished the 36 episodes yesterday, had to sleep it over now collect my thoughts.

WARNING: spoilers below!!

For starters let's say something about the plot :D We have two fathers, one rich conglomerate who is into construction business and other a simple man, a detective. Rich one actually at first doesn't have a son because his wife is hiding him from her husband while the other father has a lovely son and they share good father-son relationship. The two fathers cross ways when the building the rich one built collapses, trapping the detective's son inside who was in kindergarten. Rich one promised to save the boy but the next day construction workers were demolishing and clearing the area... The detective found his son's body in a truck that was taking the "trash" of the building away... Struck with anger the detective went to rich man's house with attempt to kill him. Just that day the rich man's son finally came home to meet his father. Little one meets the detective and thinks he is his dad. A moment of let's say unclear thoughts, the detective takes the kid with him, kidnaps him. Due to rich guy's wife who brings home a fake kid 3 years later saying she found him, they stop looking for the real kid who is raised by a kidnapper detective :P Of course years later the secrets start to pour to the surface.

Two friends of mine had problem with this series and one asked me how come I still watch it? She knows me well that it might be something I wouldn't enjoy much :D Well to be honest it didn't really give me much feels like some other dramas, even in sad moments I didn't really cry or wasn't sad lol My reasons for enduring were somehow three:D
- First is the lead actor lol I did say I stalk Kim Jae Won lately :D I saw him in other series and the weak, deaf boy still sticks in my mind (Can you hear my heart) so when I saw him as a detective, somehow a cool guy, so different from other roles he did.
- Secondly the tension between real father and his son without knowing they are related. Our boy was almost killed more than once... even shot with his own gun that was in his father's hands...
- Thirdly, I was curious how he will cope with the truth that he was raised by his abductor while his real father is murderer and how he will revenge himself :D I must say there I thought he will turn bad as well but I am so happy he remained good even though he had some instances where I doubted him as well. Also the way he was torn between two fathers and a mother. It must have been tough because all told him to pick a side... poor boy kinda but somehow he managed to stay true to all three of them, bore their sins and burdens, eased their resentment and what was best is how he managed to crack his cold real father purely with his fatherly instincts.

True it was somehow typical revenge drama with some expected turns and main girl was almost not needed, she appeared only when she had problems or when she was there to ease our boy from his suffering :) Sudden realization: there was no kiss scene!!! *angry* The fathers were so so... mother as well... fake son as well... others hmm... all greyish characters. 

What I liked best was what I mentioned above. The dealing of the whole situation. He didn't use his rich father to get back at his abductor, he didn't take over father's company and ruined it... he used himself to crack the toughness of his real father so he would admit his mistakes and serve in jail for his sins. It was actually fun to see how much he managed to change him, he became somehow cute in the end :D

Another thing I like the best was the soundtrack!! Such great songs or melodies, keep replaying some songs hihi

So another reason why I finished it: I was stubborn :D

Lastly, some little picture spam of Jae Won :D
Now he makes me wanna try and continue Hwajung because he plays a king there... sigh might just skip some epis a bit :D Too long story and got a bit bored but many cuties in it... I'll see :D

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