
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Crying evening

No, no don't worry, nothing is wrong :D It is only the best title of how my last night's evening was :D I met three of my high school classmates and we had such a blast seriously :D I cried of laughter like three times and had to wipe my face as tears flowed like whoa :D Luckily they knew this part of me but it was still funny when I tried to find my tissues :D 

We met at 19:00 nearby and had tea time and girl's time till like half ten lol then we decided to grab a bite and changed places to a pizza place, luckily early enough since last pizzas are done by ten :P One big pizza for 4 girls haha enough for the late time :) More talking, laughing, some letting go of their worries like boyfriends and me and another friend happily listened the other two naggy ones :D 

I actually came home bit before midnight haha it is tough for someone who is used to go to bed with the chickens lol Then it was hard to sleep as my sleep time-table got mixed up and because I was too hyper before then... and alarm went off too soon... 5:45 like usually... was like a zombie when I drove to the capital then... Luckily loud volume rocky FT Island songs and singing Anny kept me up (almost dozzed off on bus then lol) xD Luckily my day went by well :D

But! It was all worth the struggles today as last night felt amazing to meet friends after a few months. It was like I let my worries flow from me through laughter and laughing tears lol Should meet more often :)

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