
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Today I got a mail again... nothing much just news etc. from the bookshops I bought books at before. I frequently get them but not always check because I rarely buy books :P I usually check only to see what is new and to put those on my to-read list or to put them as a proposal to the library of blind :D

As said there was mail again today and it said certain books are 50% off *O* I went to check their online shop and picked a few then decided to stop by the bookstore before I go home :D

I snatched four books lol two romance and two crime stuff muahaha paid only 23€ *O* Only two are from that list I made, the rest was out of stock and I just had to browse some more :D

My heart is happy :D I don't even know when I'll read these but I just love buying books... is like hobby? Collecting? haha just my room has ~300 books *O* I just love such atmosphere... am not smart but gives such feeling right? :D 

Actually if you step in my room there are only few words that come right up about me. 
1. She is a fangirl (pictures *cough*) 
2. She loves books (~300 right XD)
3. She loves flowers (many greenery)
4. She loves puzzles (have 4 puzzle pictures in my room, 2x1000, 1x1500 and 1x2000 pieces if I'm not mistaken yes my walls are pretty fully packed)
5. She is creative (handmade stuff + my own drawings on the walls as well :D)

Back to the original story :D When I walked to dad (to drive home with him) I kept humming to myself. It was rainly most of the day but when I was going around it was completely dry and I liked it. Walked through the park Tivoli in capital again and just had fun on my own pfff :D I guess it's a girl's heart after she spends some money ^^

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