
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Thursday, February 4, 2016



I read my friend's post about her problems and it made me think of something, maybe one of the few things we maybe don't have in common but sound similar in a way... This is also tough to explain it well :D

It isn't fully clear to me why this is happening or what triggers it but people would probably call it lack of attention or being bored... but I don't think this is the reason. Imagine you are in a conversation with someone or just sitting among people listening to meeting or I don't know a friendly meet-up. You listen but there comes a moment as if you wake up from a daze and you realize you have been "absent" with thoughts... like your head becomes empty, completely empty, no thoughts, feelings etc. you just stare somewhere but at one moment you wake up and you have no idea what were last words people around you said. Easy words to explain would be that it feels like stepping few steps back, distancing yourself... or falling into a trance or into world of emptiness then suddenly you are thrown back into reality... 

It doesn't happen that often but can easily say daily... It is slightly disturbing... hmmm

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