
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Little things about me

A friend asked me if I want to do this with her and I thought this might be fun :D It actually took me days to think it over and to actually complete it all :D Some are really tough to do :D 

So here we go with little things about me :D The order of the written things has nothing to do with priority :D

10 things I like: my dog, dramas, to be creative, to write, having time on my own, sleeping in, sour food, listening, pretty boys lol and nature

9 things I dislike: discrimination, distruption of plans, being bored, two faced people, unable to say "no" to people, unfinished projects, being in the middle of an argument, abandoned animals and being lonely :D

8 hobbies: writing, watching dramas/movies/variety, listening to music, be creative, collecting stamps, reading (books or fanfictions), spending time with my dog, being lazy?

7 things I want to do in the future: have steady job (the rest comes after it haha), travel, swim with dolphins :D, have friends-like love life, asian concerts of groups I follow (part of travel then?) XD, live on my own and enjoy my days better than I do now.

6 hot men: noooo don't do this to me... don't wanna answer :D

5 things I'm afraid of: spiders, height, loneliness, loss, poverty?

4 words that describes me: creative, listener, complexed, dreamer

3 things I look forward to: this one is tough... I already hit my head a lot for the 7 things I want to do in the future... 

2 books I like: I have actually more than two... can't really pick only two... sorry... Must say that I do like to follow crime and romance stuff in general so I at least pointed out two genres right? :D

1 good song: whyyyy oneee? :D This should be at the number 100 lol Ok let's think deeper... which song gets to me every time I hear it..................... *loooong silence* Thinking of the voice I like the best I always end up at Ft Island because Hong Ki can move my heart every time with that kind of voice :D Then again if I think of Ft Island, among many rockish and silly songs there are also great ballads and this one is my all time favorite song ^^ So for the ending, let's enjoy the bittersweetness :D 

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