
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Editor? Me?

This is how my work looked like today. The book I scanned yesterday and changed to plain text had to be edited. The scanner or the process when the picture is changed to text can create many mistakes. My work was to go through it with spelling in word and see the noticable mistakes that the spelling found (not all were found by it). I also had to make sure the text is divided the same as in the book but also without any design etc. just plain text. I am sure there are some mistakes left because I didn't read it through, wasn't instructed to do so but I hope the work was done well :D So I hope I did it good enough with these ~70 pages. 

Then there was a book of short stories and poems in one but each story was in seperated word file. Sure combining is easy with just one simple step in word but then the whole process of making sure whole design is the same, to point out titles of the stories or poems and then go through all of it to make sure there aren't additional empty lines to make sure the lines aren't suddenly cut (they were)... All to make it as much as perfect document with content at start to make it easy for a blind person to read on a computer. This one had around 130 pages... blaaah

So all in all... I'm tired... I like to edit, I did work as beta readers for my friends who wrote fan fiction but actually do this at working place is different, the reasons to do well are also different and you are more pressured. Also my beta work in the past was an hour or so a day, not that much, usually a chapter or two... Today I worked only on these two things for 7 hours or so... Staring into the screen telling your eyes to focus and see the mistakes without really reading, more like scanning, fixing etc. Seems like I'm only whining and lamenting but it is fun as well but still tiring haha my brain can't think anymore now that I'm home and relaxed :D Tomorrow more of such work waits for me yay! :D

Lastly... note to myself: never go walk 3km on first day of period! #dead

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