
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Busy Thursday

So yesterday was indeed busy day, more than I expected it to be. After my first bad mood a day before about how I have no ine to spend free time with and getting some encouragement from online friends, my mood got better :D Might have had small outbreak because was damn sensible to everything and tears kept flowing but oh well I overcame it :D 

So the busy day yesterday started at vollunteer "work" already.
I had these boxes that cary audio books and had to put such author and title tapes on it + the tape over it.
Looks good right?
Well I had 130 of them... I thought I wouldn't finish it all yesterday but I was determined to do so and I also made it hihi
My neck was bit painful after it but is managable :D
No big deal ^^

For the free time later (around four afternoon) I managed to meet with a friend (usually meet her in capital). We went to tea house, enjoyed our tea and chatted about this and that. After it we went to bookstore to browse through the books a little and it's fun as the biggest bookstore in my country has also mangas :D Is like completely different world to me :D It isn't many here but at least these and way better than it was just few years ago :D 

Then I had to eat as my day would still be long afterwards :D So we went to The wok :D It is such a lovely place right? And it smells so mmmm once you come inside :D I did my order then had to wait for it to be done. You can actually see the cook making your food, lovely then when your number comes up you can go and pick it up to go :D What I ate? I joke and say: snails xD But they are udon noodles with veggies and chicken meat + teriyaki sauce (soy, mirin, garlic, ginger). 

It was sooooo good!!! <3 I really really loved it and the package was worth 6-7€ If there would be more, I would keep eating... sadly it was over too damn soon :D 
Then friend went home and I had some time on my own to walk through the old nightly Ljubljana. Phoned mom for the first time that day haha then walked around taking some pictures (and being careful to stay at open spaces where there are people, had to, mom's warning :D) Here are some pictures I took :D
Slowly the time for theatre was approaching. I waited for ex-coworkers at the theatre, all slowly gathering and went inside. We had first row seats *O* The show we were about to watch was a comedy titled Zbeži (roughly transl.: Run away). 
It is about 4 people (ago 20-30) as forgotten generation among people. Everyday problems, love problems, important questions they ask themselves, money and job problems etc. It was fun but also realistic. Beside me was my blind ex-coworker and without thinking about anything, when the show started I leaned to him and asked if he needs some explanation about the stage etc. I think he was glad I offered it and kept whispering to him later when there were certain things that couldn't be seen (example someone quietly watching from afar). I think back then it was on impulse but now I feel like I matured a little bit since the time I started working at my last job... Am glad. 

After the show was time for a drink and we all gathered (around 8 people or so) in nearby inn. It was nice to catch up with them since I haven't seen some for months. It felt somehow too soon when we all parted our ways, all on their way home. 

My last surprise when I came home a bit after 23.00 was that there was post waiting for me :D Swedish friend again sent me maaaaaany post stamps for my collection <3 Thank you :D Also for the washi tapes and fabric "tapes" :D 

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