
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mask (korean drama)

So yes I finished another drama :D Mask seems an easy title and no it's not that green Jim Carey thingy xDDD It's about people wearing masks, having secrets, not being true to themselves etc. 

This story goes around a girl who lives poor life, burried in her father's debts. One day she is somehow forced (threatened etc.) to switch with her dead, rich doppelganger and marry that family's son (clean freak, seems to have psychological problems, can't move on from his mother's death). Simply I want to say only this because it happens too much after that. Her loneliness to be in among strangers, still threatened with her and her family's lives, slight fright of her husband at first lol how she started to resist the bad man forcing her to be in this position and do as he whistles till also how she slowly started to love her husband and ease each other's pains :D 

I had many worries while deciding to watch this series because if I can I try to avoid dramas about rich vs. poor situations because for sure there is missunderstandings, rich family being total assholes etc. Also saw other switch-with-similar/same-face-persons series so I was sure when the truth comes out it will be disastrous... Luckily my friend slightly eased my worries :D Husband's reaction was expected to be hmmm suprised? Shocked? And all I prayed was that he wouldn't call her with bad names or curse her or chase her completelly away after they have been such sweeties :D There was no bad actions towards her from his family's side which is surprising :D Also the bad guy's "punishment" was well done although didn't expect that... well I did at some point, it was hinted too much :D Still good :D 
It was really good series, actors did well :D There were good, bad, sad, exciting etc. things which is best mix :D But to be honest a little bit, it didn't leave me with estatic feeling or like I am with some others: "God I have to save this for a repeek!" That is my only problem with this series but it might be just me :D

Lastly, best quote: 

"If you wear a mask, you can't be happy."

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