
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Already winter MV (recap)

Yesterday I browse Instagram and immediatelly there is something that triggers my interest. It was FTI leader Choi Jong Hoon's Instagram and teasers for his new mv appearance. I really look forward to anything he does because he isn't really an actor (yet), did some small works but he needs to do more... So even small appearance as a music video is good enough for me :D When I saw that at his Instagram, it looked bad and troubled me until I later discovered the full MV is out already :D 

HuhGak&Vromance's Already winter, the song itself is actually so so but the story in the MV is hellish heartbreaking... Let me tell it along with pictures I took (biasing me over CJH hihi)

At the begining of the MV we see a cute couple who is walking around the city and went shopping. The girl sees a necklace and he asks her if she likes it and she just waves her head (of course she did) and he secretly buys it for her <3

The picture changes to their car scene where he goes out to buy drinks for them. While she is alone she finds the necklace and smiles to herself. Then she notices he is coming back and quickly puts it aside. Actually it wasn't him who came but a stranger who attacks her. A moment later CJH returns with drinks, finds it weird she isn't there but sits inside the car. He takes the necklace and smiles to himself as well, thinking probably about his surprise. Just then he is attacked as well and it shows how his hand falls down while holding the necklace... 
Scene changes again to an unfamiliar, dark place, more like glass cage where she wakes up on one side then sees her beloved lying there too but they are seperated by half fence half glass wall... She calls for him but he doesn't wake up... She hides in the corner crying out when he wakes up as well :D There are already some heartbreaking moments when they try to get to each other, looking at each other uwah *feels*
Then on a small screen appear words (which weren't translated yet but it's my guess after seeing the MV a few times) that they should play rock-paper-scissors and whoever loses will die... This is damn heartless game of a psycho I tell you... Both bit freak out, he trying to console her then starts trashing around obviously protesting about the game... Then a shot sounds and he gets shot in the leg (as a warning I guess)... 
He manages to get back on his feet and proposes that he should lose the game so she can live... but she protests, after small arguing, he then proposes to do it together (my understanding is poor so my guess after hearing those words in dramas often haha). Either he meant to show the same or to die together? Then 10 seconds remain on the screen and they rush to play rock-paper-scissors while looking at each other. 
Then shows a close-up at her when she closes her eyes and thinks of their loving moments together before they were here. Then she opens her eyes and they look at each other once more before playing the game. 
When the outcome is clear, she played paper and he scissors... she thinks I'm sorry. Which makes me think she lost on purpose... The gunshot sounds again and now she is shot in the chest, the glass seperating them scattered to pieces as well and he rushes to her... She soon dies in his embrace while he keeps hitting his head against the wall as if trying to deny it...
That's how the MV ends... T___T *let me sulk in the corner*

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