
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Nostalgia of being a child

Anyone wants to go back to being a child? We all wanted to grow up fast, they still wish for that, those young ones. Just like us, they don't know what adulthood brings and like us, they will want to go back to the time when you were carefree, when you knew only about play and having fun, without the responsibilities, worries etc... 

I had this feeling yesterday when I visited my nephew, he was 3 years old previous week so yesterday was a little picnic for him :D I admit, I'm not the running around type, never was and still am not. I liked/like to be creative, having calm time and I had the oportunity to go back to my childhood, behave like one, thanks to my nephew. The other kids, older than him, thank you for being the ones to run around with him, letting me have some adult time, chatting etc. but there was a time when I saw nephew play at his sand box alone. He somehow reminded me of myself and I got up and went to him. Playing in the sand box was perfect for me, I remember playing in them a lot as younger, making sand pies etc. So I wanted to have fun with my nephew as well, to show him the joys it can bring :D 

You know that feeling of soft sand between your fingers? It is like silk right? So lovely and "innocent" like my nephew hihi :D I just dug my hands in them, who cares about the dirt, it was time to play right? He played around shoveling a bit while I researched on his other tools, seeing he has many shapes for the sand pies from duck to doggy etc. I took the flower one and made one. He ruined it *pout* and I made a sad face, pretending to be upset about it and told him I won't play with him if he ruins my pies. :D He promised to not ruin it so I should do another one. Good boy was good this time, he used his shovel to cut it then and we pretended to eat it :D Then I asked him what I should make and he looked for a excavator shape he had somewhere hidden in the sand. Lovely, the shape didn't turn out perfect but still good enough. I asked him if I should make the duck and he happilly agreed. 

Then we found the joy in the little bucket he has. Filling it up and trying to make a bigger sand pie. First two tries didn't go perfectly well because we didn't fill it enough and didn't suppress it enough before turning the bucket over. The next time we tried harder (well I did :P but let him not know about it :D ). He turned it over and we carefully lifted the bucket, the pie was perfect! Round on top and with no cracks :D He said it is a chocolate cake pfff he has good imagation I tell you that :D Then the next conversation took place: 
Anny takes a small stick and insert it on top of the cake/pie saying: "That's one candle. [name] it's your birthday, how old are you? How many candles should be on the cake?"
He: "Three."
Anny looks for two more sticks and puts them in like the first one. "One, two, three candles."
He: "Now you have to lit them on." pfff smart boy :D
Anny pretends to lit them up, "Now you have to blow them."
He blows three times, each blow for one candle hihi and Anny claps with a bright smile. He then takes first "candle" out as you should do when the candles did their purpose and I removed the other two. Then he used the shovel again to cut it in half, then fetched some of the cake sand (not other one) and pretends to eat. Then hands it to me and I pretend to eat as well :D 
Anny: "You should take some of the cake to daddy too." He was closeby that's why :D He took it, carefully went to daddy and the latter also pretended to eat it :D OMG so much fun and so much cuteness :D 

Later I played with him and his bike a bit too (luckily didn't involve much of running :P). He had whole disertation about how he was parking it now in garage (middle of yard btw), how he has to let the door down now (automatic at their house) etc. Then further disertation on how he is going to saw down the neighbor's tree because it isn't growing straight up but weirdly aside :P Later he also nicely sat down on bench beside me, me holding his cup with some sweets instead of cake (had it previous day already) and actually listened to me when I told him to eat the other stuff beside the cookie as well. Others said we still get along well just like when I babysitted him :D I guess kids really do remember who played with them 8 hours a day :D The funniest thing was when leaving :D He was on lawn and me and my mom at the same time asked him for a hug before we go. I think we confused him a little back then :D And sorry mom, he picked me :D He said he will hug only me :) hihi ran to me and I hugged him tight :) I said sorry to mom later so she wouldn't be upset hihi

Okay so this turned out into a long novel... But it is obvious I had a nice time yesterday :D And luckily get to have some moments of being a child again. There is someone I said I am still bit childish and naive and that person said I should keep that and not get rid of it. We all sometimes need a child in us, not really childish behavior which isn't endurable by others, just that tiny spark that lets you ease up, forget about the seriousness. It enables us to enjoy the days that much easier :)

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