
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Little update :)

Thought I need to write a little personal post among the many other ones :D About time :) 

- Some know already but that job interview other time... has failed... I also got some other negative answers from other places... feeling a bit down because of it, lack of confidence but gotta fight further... And I have consultation this week again... 
- That dear preggy person I mentioned few posts ago was in hospital for two days, getting infusion as she was 3rd rate dehydrated due to constantly visiting bathroom, not eating and drinking enough... She is lotsa better now <3
- One friend of mine is having a tough time. I can't be there for her but can be here for her :) Will try to make you smile often! <3
- This week I was at dentist... that usually scary place... at least that is how I felt when younger, dentists used to nag, scold etc. so eventually I stopped going... last year I applied to the dentists where my dad goes as well and must say I go there with a lighter heart now. First time last year was a bit so so as well as they had to work on my mess :P Inflamed gum at many places etc., had to treat it "if you don't want to lose your teeth at an early age" is what they said. We started working better on my hygene (better is the point here lol don't wanna sound dirty...) XD Since then I got better at it and this week he checked my whole gum we could say. At 168 places (6 times per tooth) he went between my tooth and gum to see how much it is parted and how much it bleeds. It is easier to know now where I lack and to put more attention to, to fix. But got my first praise by dentists, I guess they know the psychological parts of dentists well. Praise helps more than scolding. Even when he said at which parts I didn't do well, he said he isn't scolding but only instructing me. At cleaning, nurse had at some times hand on my shoulder... Totally different than dentists I visited as a kid... Anyway this point became too long...

- nephew celebrates 3rd year tomorrow (he had birthday on 18th) so afternoon will be totally busy and fun :)
- have to write some job applications...
- should write my story at least a little bit...
- should read books :D Right now have Cody McFadyen (The face of death) at home, I know I should have read the series in order but didn't. Read first one, forth one and now am at second :P Only third then left :D At home is also Jorge Bucay (To love with eyes wide open) ^^ 
- should study some matterial connected to my previous work place because am curious about the model of the library, how it should be organized etc. and the second matterial is about copyrights problems because of transformation of books into audio books... 
- plan to further work on my new small handmade book/notebook (sizes around 8,5x12). Recycling old stripped paper from notebooks I used in school :P Cuting the edges away, cuting in half then folding, joining it to make a textblock, then will sew, glue etc. as I did with my previous ones :)

Am sure there is something else but should get started now, chase away the laziness :D The fully packed working space for today is outside as it is warm enough not to be cold :P 

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