
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kal Ho Na Ho (Indian movie)

Warning: Possible spoilers...

Note: It was my first time watching Indian movie so I can't use many names here... that is my general weakness so I hope it will make sense :)

It is actually tough to write a review of this movie without spilling some major spoilers here... Anny the spoiler queen, let's do my best not to go with my title :)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Big brother...

Another short thinking my nephews made me think the other day but I didn't put it in words yet. It is the fact I always wished to have an older brother, that ideal vision of protective big brother etc. Instead I have only older sisters :P 

Why my nephews reminded me of that? It is because the younger one will have a big brother and the older one is already showing signs of what I wished to have :P He didn't like him at first because mommy was also whole month not home etc. the kiddos can easily missunderstand, right? But the other day at older one's bday party the lil one was lying on a blanket. Their aunt from dad's side pretended that she will use water gun on little one. Older one glared at her, saying: "DON'T SQUIRT WATER ON HIM!"

Totally protective :D And sis showed me a picture later as well, big one hugging the little one, both sleeping <3 Slightly envy hihi Imagine when they get older wooo :D

Thursday, May 26, 2016

You... yes you!

It has been a month since you ran away with the tail between your legs, with excuses and childish behavior, unable to see you only want yourself to feel good, comfortable, making reasons with yourself that your decisions are best and should be understood by all around you... After a month you poke around as if looking if someone still remembers you, if we are still upset. Trying to apologize out of nowhere then close the chapter at your side because our reaction wasn't up to your expectation... pffff we closed our door the time you ran away. We moved on, we don't miss you, we have fun on our own. But we see you lurking around us. Why is that? Is the curiosity that strong? Or looking for a way to sneak back in?

Knowing that you might see this, I wrote this little bit. I don't believe running away from me is due to not trying to have me in the middle... You should have thought about this beforehand, before your actions not after the coffee is spilled and the stain doesn't go away. As I said, the chapter is closed at our side for a while now, our lives are moving on. We are at least working on ourselves to change for the better, fix our mistakes etc. Staying in one place, never changing, being each day the same, won't take you anywhere. That is a boat on the river but tied to the shore while our boats are free, we move along the river.

Why did I even bother to write this? Because I see you check my blog and this is my last option to convey my words. I might even delete this soon...

Monday, May 23, 2016

Nostalgia of being a child

Anyone wants to go back to being a child? We all wanted to grow up fast, they still wish for that, those young ones. Just like us, they don't know what adulthood brings and like us, they will want to go back to the time when you were carefree, when you knew only about play and having fun, without the responsibilities, worries etc... 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Little update :)

Thought I need to write a little personal post among the many other ones :D About time :) 

- Some know already but that job interview other time... has failed... I also got some other negative answers from other places... feeling a bit down because of it, lack of confidence but gotta fight further... And I have consultation this week again... 
- That dear preggy person I mentioned few posts ago was in hospital for two days, getting infusion as she was 3rd rate dehydrated due to constantly visiting bathroom, not eating and drinking enough... She is lotsa better now <3
- One friend of mine is having a tough time. I can't be there for her but can be here for her :) Will try to make you smile often! <3
- This week I was at dentist... that usually scary place... at least that is how I felt when younger, dentists used to nag, scold etc. so eventually I stopped going... last year I applied to the dentists where my dad goes as well and must say I go there with a lighter heart now. First time last year was a bit so so as well as they had to work on my mess :P Inflamed gum at many places etc., had to treat it "if you don't want to lose your teeth at an early age" is what they said. We started working better on my hygene (better is the point here lol don't wanna sound dirty...) XD Since then I got better at it and this week he checked my whole gum we could say. At 168 places (6 times per tooth) he went between my tooth and gum to see how much it is parted and how much it bleeds. It is easier to know now where I lack and to put more attention to, to fix. But got my first praise by dentists, I guess they know the psychological parts of dentists well. Praise helps more than scolding. Even when he said at which parts I didn't do well, he said he isn't scolding but only instructing me. At cleaning, nurse had at some times hand on my shoulder... Totally different than dentists I visited as a kid... Anyway this point became too long...

Friday, May 20, 2016

Fatal Intuition (korean movie)

Warning: possible spoilers!

FINALLY!! This is what I have to say first because the good subtitles finally came and I could finally see my hubby Joo Won in thriller movie which had damn captivating trailer :) For me it was worth the wait. 

Two weedings and a funeral (korean movie)

Warning #1: possible spoilers :D
Warning #2: honosexuality content (again) XD
It is like me and my friend are having "battle" of watching homosexual movies rofl :D Is fun thou :) Especially when you discover some nice movies like this one. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

"Blind bowling" / Disabilities thinking

I often say that hanging around people with disabilities is wise because you get to see how hard they are trying while your life is cosidered normal. I don't pity them, I am more amazed and filled with positive energy to do better and love myself more too.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Just friends? (short korean movie)

Warning #1: possible spoilers! XD
Warning #2: homosexuality content :D

Half an hour, really short movie, but I spent an hour or more on it... It wasn't bad, at all!! I just had to pause because the cuteness overload was tough to bear in one piece :D Half an hour and I'm totally drained from overflowing feelings lol 

Story is about two dating boys. First goes to visit second who is in military and there meets second's mother as well :P How to explain their relationship to her? Just friends?

Friday, May 13, 2016

One way trip (korean movie)

Warning: possible spoilers!

I waited for this movie, I soooo waited for it because Ji Soo is in the lead role :D *cough* can't get over the fact he didn't get the girl in past dramas :P *cough* XD

Story short: four best friends go on a trip because one of them will join military next day and they plan to enjoy the day together. They get together and travel, have fun, sneek peeks at girls like normal boys their age etc. There are some important words I wanna point out that I felt there: friendship, bonding, youth, trip, freedom... Then at the evening they encounter an arguing couple, man hitting his wife. Helping the woman causes bit of an accident. At police they try to tell them they didn't do anything wrong but the woman says they killed her husband, changing her story that the boys suddenly attacked them... 

Signal (korean drama)

Warning: possible spoilers!

I finished this drama yesterday but let me again rely on my laziness :D And secondly I had to sleep it over and collect my thoughts about this one :)

Story is set in police environment and our main characters are Park Hae Young (criminal profiler), Cha Soo Hyun (team leader of criminal department) and Lee Jae Han.(detective from 1989). Hae Young, who has his own behind story, in 2015 accidentally comes accross a walkie-talkie which connects him to a detective in 1989, Jae Han. Together they solve cases or try to catch the criminal sooner to prevent further victims. But things aren't that easy when you deal with a time thingy, right? Future changes... People's fates changes... On top of that they try to figure out why and how Jae Han went missing in 2000. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Some friends thinking

"I am really happy when you call but when I want to call you first I feel like I am bothering you." 
This is what I read yesterday and I thought often about this... When we get a call from someone from whom we haven't heard in ages, we get really happy thinking: "That person didn't forget me. We are still friends. He/she thought of me. etc." But why is it so tough to do the first step, to be the one to make the other person happy about your call? It often requires courage and confidence in yourself that the other wouldn't be disturbed or bothered with it. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Job inteview, thinking and good news (not the job ones)

Five months of unemployment and finally Anny received an invitation for a job interview :D Finally! It gives you this feeling that you are accepted, that your CV counts as well in the world out there. It felt overlooked, plain, not interesting before as mainly didn't get replies or they were negative. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Boss & me (chinese drama)

Warning: possible spoilers~~ :D 

Okay so it took me too long... 1st to move my butt and see this drama, my first chinese... 2nd to write this post... :D But actually this post will be totally different from the start :P