
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Lesson :)

There was a girl. She was having driving lessons. She was timid and insecure. She wanted to be sure not only 2 times if all is safe to go, no she did it 3 times. Like this she stood still, checking, checking, waiting. Until the driving teacher had enough. He shut the car down, threw the keys on the top shelf towards the front glass and said: "If you don't want to go, then don't go. We can stay here all day."

That girl was me and I'll never forget that lesson he gave me :) Now I used this story as an example to tell some other things. Like... If you are scared and don't want to move, you won't do so unless you get yourself together, gather courage a bit and just go. Next you can also give up, turn it all down, throw the keys away and standing still as a statue. It also tells how first scared feelings can disappear with time. The timid girl now heavily puts her leg on accelerator and has more courage to go forward (lately I should be careful about my heavy leg on highway actually... and I still do double check because of not perfect eye sight). But I show more life now in my driving and also about personality. A friend told me yesterday that I got stronger than I was before and she could be right. Due to some good friends who guide me sometimes to see things I haven't seen before or wouldn't with my own eyes. And how to accept myself as I am even with my mistakes. Sure I'm changing bit by bit as well, and I so like it, because it is for the better for me and people around me. I used to run away a lot and throw the keys away but due to some things that happened now and then, even if I am scared as hell, I push forward. Let's face this head on, if I do this, then I can proudly say: good girl, it was worth not to hide. 

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