
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Dear diary (day 1)


Dear Diary, this is Max.

Today is such a weird day. Actually it all started all right. My morning trip outside after my ladies woke up. The coffee time my ladies and their neighbor (aka lil lady's dad) had. The lunch time they had. Then it was time for me to go outside again. I am not really sure what happened. I walked around, no I ran a bit, then I tripped. It hurt but I didn't cry, which was a big surprise for my ladies because I usually cry easily. I held my paw up and big lady noticed something was wrong... there was blood... yes my nail at front paw broke really high up at the base. Big lady took me inside so lil lady would inspect it closer what happened and in what condition my nail was. But I knew it already, there is no way but to go see a doctor, he would know best.

The ladies called for my doctor who didn't have working hours anymore but there is this emergency number and we drove off right away. I was really good, partially still unsure what happened, my paw hurt but I was really cooperative. Part of me thought if we are going on a road trip, we haven't been on one in a while...

Then I came to that hell... I still shiver when I think of it. Okay so the nice guy I met for the first time who would be my doctor for today, was total misguiding. It started well but I later regretted my cooperation. Ladies picked me up on that slippery table, all okay. That nice guy only took a glance and saw where my nail was broken and started to prepare this and that. It was still okay then. I laid comfortably, the table was pleasantly cold.

Then came the weird thing on my mouth, fastened behind my head and it was tough to open my mouth. I let out heavy breaths, slowly feeling nervous. The ladies suddenly held me tightly and I saw the nice guy started cutting my other nails, the good ones but were also bit too long. They all knew starting with my not-in-pain nails was a good solution, no way in hell would I let them do that after they would take care of my broken one. So back paws finished, the nice guy did the other front paw as well then I knew it! I so knew it! There was only one paw left. That one! I didn't let them... at first but hey I didn't have much of a choice right? So he trimms my okay nails on the hurting paw... then I don't know... did the time stop? Did I fall into the hell hole that leads directly to hell? My whole nail was pulled off T__T

That hurt like hell and more... I cried out so badly, I wanted them to stop! But they held me tightly and ladies said some soothing words, their soft caresses worked a bit as well... I got a bit calmer... I thought: shit there is blood on the wall... tiny red sparkling dots... that was calming... then came a weird smell... oidine they said, it was weirdly brown color on that white heavenly puff of wadding. Then I was thrown in second hell. The brown thing was pressed to what was left of my nail T__T It hurt!! I cried out again *pout* I wanted to get off but the stupid slippery table... who invented it seriously...

Okay, okay I calmed down again, man these ladies do the magic tricks or what. But I was still on the table so... wait I am not finished yet? The nice guy was doing something behind my back... Damn did he just pinch my skin a little? Wait, I know what comes after that... But that was still less than before, the injection, two actually, a painkiller and antibiotics.

Then I was free to gooooo!! Finally~

Well actually dear diary, at home another shock came... I got this satelite on my head because I am not allowed to lick my paw... I have no idea how to direct this thing... I keep bumping into things, I can't snuggle my head to my ladies... I have trouble drinking and eating... I lay around all the time because that is the most comfortable thing to do... stairs suck too... I went out for my needs but just stood there or sat like the world was ending today.

My ladies help me out a lot but I need to adjust... they will cut it a bit too as it might be too big for me, better do that so I can at least sniff around when I go out... And ladies got oidine to-go too so one time per day my nail gotta get disinfected... joooooy~

Ah this will be a long week...

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