
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Many things...

In the past few days some stuff happened, good or bad or nervous ones etc. Many for someone like me :) Friends know what I mean... 

For starters a dear friend had an important operation on Thursday. Man she just had to say goodbye before that, making me cry... She was not aware that I knew of her situation. Well I didn't try to make fun of it or anything behind her back, just silently supporting her without her knowledge (until she was told about it :D). I'm glad my gift for her arrived before the operation, just in case you know... yes I worried if it would come or not because I sent it some time ago, it was taking too long... And I sent that gift just like that, friend to a friend thou it got totally different and even better meaning now. So thank you dear post for the first time for being so slow and knowing when to make it reach the destination :) I hear friend is doing okay for now... no new news so am patiently (or not) waiting for more infos from her friends which update us the-far-away-land-friends who can't be there for her <3 Thank you all!

While waiting for the hopefully good or best news there can be, I do many things but am slightly reluctant to share it all... There is this habit of mine to spend time on things so I don't constantly think of bad things... usually could sound wrong or misunderstood... Can't actually say I had much fun on same Thursday... but I did... I haven't had so much fun lately than on that day... I feel a bit apologetic towards it but when I came home that day (it was too late for my likings already) but I went to check the news! And I am glad I did because I got for now good infos and I was able to chase the lil guilty feelings I had for having fun while my friend had tough time... 

To explain further that Thursday: 
- in the morning I went to swim with sister, some bonding time as usually and I totally like it + spent some time with the little nephew too :)
- lil bit of helping out at the library
- called a friend in ages (the new mommy), just felt like it and had really nice chat about this and that, listened to her worries and so on, lovely bonding time again. 
- met a friend I sometimes meet in the capital. She is few years younger than me but sometimes gives me a feeling of being older than me :) But we are both kids, both liking asian things so we have a lot in common to talk about, never ending stories :) We went for lunch and a drink. More bonding time. 
- met two ex-coworkers for a drink, one is blind btw. Haven't seen them in a while, it felt nice to hear what they do now etc. Anny did even more bonding time. 
- with same last mentioned people we met some other ex-coworkers for a theatre. We have this paid yearly ticket for 4 shows and sadly we don't pick the dates (or wouldn't have picked that day because of my friend from start of the post). And the show was too hillarious, best of the 4 we have seen this year. What is even better is that we got always the first row seats because half of the "gang" doesn't see well or is blind so it is easier for them + for me too, to see expressions as well. Anyway the show was really enjoyable (okay the end was just wtf?? but nevermind). And after the show we all went again for another drink in the old part of the capital :) Came home at midnight and managed to go to bed around half 1 lol I can see someone smile at this as it really is late hour for me :) Many many bonding time :D

Today more stuff happened, interesting and fun ones too... I helped around at a Braille reading and writing competition. I met more blind or partially sighted people I haven't before or knew only from the phone and first time I saw how such a competition happens. You have two groups actually. First is those who read Braille from paper and write on the old typing machine. That machine is not the normal one we know but Braille typing machine with only 10 buttons or so. 6 buttons are for the combinations of Braille dots, the others for new row, corrections etc. The second group is the "modern" group that reads with Braille line from a computer and writes with normal keyboard. When it comes to reading they are time limited to 2 minutes and they should read as many words in that time and also nicely and understandable. When it comes to writing there is one who is telling them sentences and they write it down then the mistakes are checked. Then all points get joined together. As I said it was interesting and fun, mostly because you are amazed again by the abilities they show you and good energy through the whole day. Completelly worth it :) And I helped ex-coworker friend that was there as well. How? I put make-up on her (she is blind) as she had some lunch with someone later hihi Also really something completelly new for me :)

Ah the guilty feeling is kicking in again... shoooo~! Go away... 

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