
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Dream house

It is not like I don't like the house I live in now but there is this little dream house of mine that I thought about lately. Sure each house needs the basic spaces like: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom etc. So I won't go into those details. What I dream about is how to have the optimal way to ensure myself to freely dive into my hobbies :)

1. If we look at my reading and writing hobbies first. I wish to have a library of my own, big big wall of shelves or just one room full of books, if possible with comfortable zone where I would read, read and read, like shutting the other world away :) It is somehow a way to relax isn't it? Music collection could actually also fit here on a special shelf and a radio or something that would play the background music. Dreamer Anny :)
I found some examples of what kind of reading space I dream about.

2. Then I would want a simple writing space with as less distractions as possible. It would have a big table for laptop/computer for writing and a big whiteboard to write notes on or make timetables for the story and character development. I need overlook at such things at all time because I am slow and messy writer. I easily forget things I wrote already or miss something out which is important. Slow writer? Writing this one story for 3 years already and have around 200 pages but I am aware it isn't perfect, still need to improve it a lot. I keep going back and re-read and fix, and add etc. Big board would also work for the many ideas that keep buzzing in my head and can't rely on my fish memory all the time. I need to write it down. Curently I have a notebook for it but is somehow messy... I blurred the picture a bit to hide my ideas so only for the image how my messy ideas look like :D 
These two, reading and writing spaces could be combined as well. Having these architectic ideas rofl

3. Next I would need optimal way to store my DIY supplies (bands, fabric, beads, ornaments, yarn, tools, card boards, glue gun, glue etc.). An option is shelf or wardrobe with small compartments, each for only one type of supply. Believe me I don't like a mess I am having now (can see below). Beside the compartments for supplies, I would want a big big table where I would work on. Don't ask how I work sometimes, the last red small book was done on floor... On the table, I would add paper cutter/folder and maybe plasticizer or other bigger tools that I don't have now. And a place where I can store the things I make, now they are just everywhere :) See the mess... I can't be creative if I have a mess and don't know what is where :P 
Have you ever been to Rayher or similar craft supplies store? I dream of a space like this hihi
Dream on, right? I am aware this will never come true unless I suddenly win a life-time lotto :D But we are all allowed to dream, aren't we? :) Shows how much order I need :P I am not the chaotic type. I need to know where is something so I go and take it plus it looks better than the mess lol no wonder I am in librarianship :) 

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