
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Homework :D

A few days ago a friend gave me thoughts to think about why, when someone recommends me a book or a series/movie, I mention my lists as if this is my way of blocking recommendations. 

So I did some thinking and decided to write it down :D Be warned, it might get long :D 

I think this originates from my personality that I want to have stuff organized and to have immediate overlook over things. I didn't have lists in the past but someday just started to build it. A list for what I want to read, a list for what I want to watch. And it worked for me. But now... Just check my lists on the sidebar.... MDL and reading plan. First has almost 100 planned series and movies, only asian, there are also stuff that are non-asian and don't have special list. The second has over 150 book titles listed. Yes, at first it was lovely to have the overlook but eventually the list started to get long and longer. Right now it might have become a bit of stress for me, a pressure. Why? I want to check them all but know I can't and that it would take ages. Example: In the past week I read zero pages and added two books to my list (together around 800 pages). Want to kick my butt or pull my hair and make me sit and read 24/7 but it isn't possible right? :D 

My friend is right, I do sometimes break out of my lists and watch or read what I didn't plan. God help me when I go to library and just want to bring whole library home but force myself to take only one... or two... Right now I have at home 3 books from the library... on my list were 2 of them and let's not forget I read Full metal alchemist manga these days as well (not planned :D). Oh and let's not forget I got two books through book exchange, the 10 books I bought this year... all waiting on my shelves, collecting dust :)

So yes, I do take recommendations too but sometimes I might unconsciously block it because I have so much already and not because of the person who recommends it or what was recommended. When I had this talk with my friend, it made me really think that it isn't right to be like this to people that know my taste and only want to let me know of something they enjoyed in and are sure I would enjoy it as well. 

There was only one person whose recommendations I didn't take seriously. That is because we don't share same interests, it is okay if she likes it (respecting other's tastes right) but it didn't move me. When I recommend to friend La. I know there has to be good things, no crying or too intense because she needs to raise her mood with movies/dramas. So when she recommends to me it is okay too because I can watch that when I am in low mood and it will raise it up. Friend Es. is similar/almost same to me so it is easy in both ways. Mrs. L's recommendations are usually good ones as well, usually didn't have problems liking it (except not maybe understanding it as deep as her).

My "blocking" might really sound as a wall now that she gave me this homework. I wanted to reply to her personally but since it is regarding other friends I will share this with them as well. And is it a bit understandable from where this bit of "blocking" comes from? Did I make any of my friends feel bad in the past? Please tell me. 

Should I tell you something else? As I said before I have 3 books at home and 2 are not started yet. They are just lying on my shelf, softly poking me to gain some attention. Silly me got myself too much from library again. About the 3rd book, the started one, I had problem finishing it these days. Then the talk with my friend happened and I did break out of my list again. The started book that gave me problems, I marked in Goodreads the page where I stayed and will continue next time. Can't prolong my loaning anymore either. Same with other two. So, I put those three back to the library and I got myself Angels and Demons by Dan Brown which my friend recommended to me and wasn't on my list. In two days I read around 180 pages already. It is a good start right? It means she was right to recommend it to me.

Conclusion? :D Lets say it like this: when you want to recommend me something and you know I would like it, just do it! Ignore what I say because it isn't against you or your recommendation :) Mentioning my lists is similar to whining about overwork. Sometimes some fresh air feels totally okay :D 

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