
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Flowers for Algernon (japanese drama)

As usually this is a drama that fell on my list because of an actor (but the story intrigued me) but it took me long to see it. One reason was that it took really long time until all episodes were subbed and then I also wondered if I should really give it a try. I a little needed the mood for it because I knew the ending might not be good and that I might cry a lot while watching. I won't say about the first but the second became true, almost each episode brought such feelings out of me whether good or bad. 

The story is about 28 years old Sakuto whose heart and mind is that of 6 years old, handicaped we could say. He lives in a dorm with problematic youth who all work in flowershop, the owner trying to help their lives. The innocent Sakuto was let's say accepted but there were also things that made you think: ah they aren't honest about him. Like "using" his good looks to fish for girls. Sakuto's biggest dream was to get smart, he practiced every day the alphabet, tried to learn but he knew he was stupid and didn't like it. Main reason for it was his mother who didn't love him, accept him, pushed him away because she couldn't deal with it. He left with his father who wholeheartedly accepted him but once he died, Sakuto came to the dorms. His biggest dream to become smart actually comes true thanks to the research institute that invented new medicine to improve brain functions. The first tests were done on a rat named Algernon and Sakuto was first human "guinea pig". But once becoming a genious he started to realize many thing he hasn't seen before, many things he had to learn like knowledge isn't everything. He had the girl he liked the most even before his operation, a woman from the research team that was really nice to him, and that didn't change later. Sadly Algernon started showing signs of losing his intelligence, making them realize Sakuto might return back to the way he was before. With his new intelligence and time running out on him, he tries to find a solution that would keep him the way he is now and not lose everything he gained. 

I said more of the story because I read this is pretty known story. The story based on Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (written 1958, published 1966) and had many other addaptations. As said in the beginning I found this because of Yamashita Tomohisa (Sakuto) and when I read the summary I felt this would probably work for me. And I wasn't mistaken. I really loved it. It pointed out some human topics that made you think. Like do friends need to be equal to be called friends? Is intelligence really higher valued than low intelligence? Is science really doing good by making low intelligence person become smart with wish to change the society? Are there really such people who do everything for others and don't think of themselves? It teaches you value of friendship, family, love, LIFE... Many many thinking and feelings and I felt a lot of warmth from this series (also thanks to other characters). As I said it made me cry a lot <3 And totally recommending it :)

"It is bad to let go of your dreams." - Sakuto

"The guys who have just been released from prison are generally very cautious. That’s why each time someone new came, I put them in the same room with you. You undo those guys’ cautiousness. Before they know it, the sharp thorn is pulled out. That’s why you are a great guy just as you are." - Flower shop owner

"It’s love. People who are filled with love cannot hurt others. Really, it’s the people with memories of loving and being loved... perhaps even the world… may become calm with something that simple." - Sakuto

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