
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The week

Past week
I was in theatre (remember that free ticket? :D). Me, two ex-coworkers and a woman who reads books in our library (who invited us all). It was unemployed people meeting haha We realized it when we met that we all don't have jobs. It felt nice to have this one similarity. Whole day in capital was long actually (friend bailed on me...). But it was fun as well, me, myself and I :D I bought two shoes because all old ones leaked water in... About the show, it was really funny. Mono-comedy of a woman who played 4 characters in an hour and half. She was amazing. We got the front row because of the two boys who don't see well and at the end we gave her a bouquet of flowers as a thanks. She seemed happy :)

I made two new small version of notebooks. Both have green stripped pages inside (recycling paper), pretty endpapers and again fabric wrapped covers. The green one gave me a little bit extra work because I didn't want to have only plain green covers. I played around to create something that looks a lot better.

I discovered new music that sounds inspiring and positive. May it be due to drama but, it is really nice listening to it. It is group New Empire, it lovely brightens up my long playlist I have on when I do this and that. :D It is fresh.
There is also small dedication in the song below to my friends. Big hug to all who needs it.

Next week
On Sunday, my mother turns 60 years old. Responsibility of the daughter that lives with her: what does mom need. :D It is always tough knowing what the other person needs when she has practically all she needs and it can't be something it would be practical for both of us. Me, my sisters and dad brainstormed for ideas. One of the sisters was lucky, she sent her to the seaside for a few days in the summer but she helped with ideas as well. When I asked mom if she needs something, of course that is even tougher to say, at such times nothing comes to mind. In the end we managed to find something she would like using :)
On her day, we will go have lunch in a restaurant, family gathering. Well, not all family due to bad relations. She didn't invite her mother or siblings... I think mom wants to enjoy her day and not think of the past. I told her she is doing right. I wish she has good time and if inviting them wouldn't allow that then don't invite them... They never even remember to call for her birthdays so why inviting... I'm really strict with people who don't treat nicely my loved ones... Plus there is the past... she doesn't need bad memories on her day.

On Saturday, a day before that, I have another theatre planned. It is my yearly ticket for 4 shows and first one will be played this weekend. I will meet some other ex-coworkers I haven't seen in a while and some new people I don't know yet. I'm sure it will be fun as usually :D