
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Girls having a great time

Did you ever laugh so hard that you wanted to stop because your mouth started to hurt? Mine did last night but I never wanted the evening or even laugh to end. Anny went out with her friends for a movie. Girl's time!!

We went to see Bridget Jones' baby. The movie was really amusing, we had a lot of fun watching it. Even before and after the movie, it was great friends time. We gotta do this more often, I think I really need it sometimes, to not care and just have fun. Or the last hour when we just sat in the car and had long talks, more serious, not anymore like we used to before. 

There were many trailers for the new movies as well or we saw what else runs in the cinema. We simply started planning what else we want to see together, I hope we really do go as soon as possible :) My proposal was The girl on train because I just finished the book yesterday as well and it is a lovely psychological thriller. I wonder about the movie now. And after the book was finished? Now I'll look for Noa boat rofl some adventure. After it? It is a bit of secret ;)

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