
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Past few days were hectic, going here, going there, meeting one, two, three :)

Starting with Friday. I was first time at a police station. No, nothing big. My mom's phone was stolen and I went with her to report it. Then we went to buy a new one and block her old number. Of course police will track the old phone and they said they will check security cameras on the bus in case something comes up.
Afterwards we went to my preggy sister for lunch and clean her house a bit. She is really round already and working out too much isn't good for her. Afterwards, when it was already dark outside, we were done and sat in the garden, sis bringing the pear pie she made from home grown pears. It was really delicious, like a reward for good work. She said she wants to give me some money for help too but I shushed her up. I know she doesn't like asking for help when she usually does it herself but I am not taking money for helping a sister out [dot].

Saturday I saw same sis again, she came early in the morning for some vegetables. Later I spent a lot of time outside, making sure the outside looks a bit nicer. Picking the flowers that stopped blooming away from those that were still beautifully opened, pulling out some weed from the garden looking towards the street, sweeped whole yard etc. etc. It felt nice, the energy was higher than it would be by sitting around.

Sunday I met a friend and we went to lake Bled, walked uphill to a 600-something meters to get a beautiful view over the lake and its surrounding (pictures will be in different post). We had a bit of struggles on our way up. My friend didn't feel well and it made us both worry if we can calmly finish our way. Luckily all ended well. When we came down to the lake again, we bought some food, took a blanket, rolled it out on the grass by the lake and just enjoyed the warm sun rays, beautiful view and the water surrounding us. We could have went for a swim too but since my friend couldn't I didn't bring swimsuits either and I didn't miss a thing. A little dip of my legs in it felt even better. On top of that having this and that talk did us good too. I once again realized how good it feels when someone says honest feelings. Like when my friend was sick and we were at my car after buying food I said to her: "If you feel really bad, we can go home, no worries." She said it is okay but later on the blanket when she got bit better, she said: "Before, when you said we can go home. Part of me wished to go home but I didn't want to ruin our trip." Silly goose :)

Monday is here already. After helping out at the library I went to see my friend and her 4 months old baby. I made a gift for her not long ago and brought her. The little one was sleeping when I came so we could catch up to the latest things. When the lil one woke up, he took more or less all our time. :) Playing, cuddling, feeding, drooling hihi We got to talk a bit more later when baby's dad came home as well, making us laugh at his entertainment of the baby.

Tuesday... again helping in the library, signing papers for last month's payment. I kept thinking how I like to have a lot of work more than when I have less. I am more motivated when I have few kilos of weight on my shoulders than only few grams. Time pressure is motivating for me. Sounds silly?
At home afternoon it was again cleaning time. When guest is expected, we better make it decent :P Some stuff went to the atic, some stuff was moved downstairs, cleaning bathroom, coloring the gaps between the tiles so they are heavenly white again. Wednessday will be similar, still some stuff to do.

Lastly, when it comes to recently, I started reading mangas again, after a bit of break. First is "Fushigi Yuugi", this one series I really liked in the past, still did so. About a girl who falls into the world of a book, becomes the priestess to summon Suzaku with the help of her 7 warriors and falls in love with one of them. Typical story I know but I have always had a thing for time and space travels like this (other mangas and dramas too).
The second might be bit maturer :P "Orange" was picked by me because it sounded nice according to the summary. In it, a girl one day gets a letter from herself 10 years in future, asking her to save her classmate she liked. 10 years in the future that boy is no longer with them... After starting it, it looks interesting.Main point I see here is: "Do what you want, say what you feel and don't live later with regrets."

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