
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


"Some things will last forever." That kind of thinking that some people will always be beside you, help you. "It will stay the same, no matter what." It is so simple to think that way and usually people notice many things when they lose what they had. Sometimes those thoughts appear out of the sudden as well. What would I do if she/he wouldn't be around?

I had this thought this week due to various reasons. One is the following. The weather got a bit colder and there it came, a mouse to the small room beside mine. I noticed her in the evening when all became more quiet. The scratching sound... I seriously dislike these sounds and wouldn't be able to sleep in peace. This scary feeling what if she comes up on my bed hihi I went and woke up mom... The first thought wasn't to limit the animal to the small room but more like someone who would help me out. It made me think. It is not like there was a seriously dangerous animal, but poor little mouse, doing no harm beside eating what she shouldn't and making sounds I don't like. Scaredy-cat me would need to gather 150% courage to act on her own. Silly.

Second reason is taking the last time mentioned manga too seriously. If you don't properly pay attention to people around you, their troubles, worrying or not doing anything to comfort them... If they are one day suddenly gone and regrets you could have. Some friends say it often to live so you won't ask yourself: "what if", "why didn't I". It is sometimes difficult but not impossible.

Thirdly I hear about people who don't treasure what they have. Some have so much but still complain. Some leave their friends because when it gets a bit tough, it is easier to run away and enjoy in "peaceful" life. Sooner or later they will get alone and lonely. 

Meaning of this post? Be true to yourself, your feelings, don't think only about what you see but also what others see. There are many misunderstandings. There are many angry feelings. Say how you feel, say sorry, patch things up before it is too late. Make peace by stepping a step back from your stubborn or negative feelings and ask yourself who needs you or your apology. Who, not only now but at other times as well, needs a word of thank you for being there for you, supporting you, accepting your bad sides as much as good ones etc.? Make the first step! Say these as often as possible: please, thank you, I'm sorry and make them as honest as possible.

Today is International world peace day right?  Meaning might be different from my idea... 
"The times when you feel that your heart is breaking, you can lean on this shoulder because I will hold it and carry it carefully like a big valuable luggage." Future by Kobukuro

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