
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Precious guest from Germany

After four years I got to see my friend from Germany again. She came to Slovenia and stayed from Thursday the 8th till Monday the 12th September. Here is as short summary of our time together :) 

Thursday, 8th September 2016
Her bus was supposed to come in the morning quarter after 8. So I came early to the bus station and waited for the flashy green bus to arrive. When it did, it was so nice to see my friend again. The feeling was that much greater because international friends can't meet on a whim, like those close-by. It is more or less a rare occasion. 

Once getting her luggage, we went to have some morning coffee and enjoy its flavors on the train station. After that we walked to the market and bought some fresh figs and watermelon for later. Walked to the city bus station and rode to my car and drove direction home for lunch. The first day we took it easy because my friend couldn't sleep well on the bus and was tired from the long drive. We napped, I showed her how I make my book covers because she was curious about it. I recieved my gift from her, I really love it. Bluetooth typeboard I can use for phone or tablet and a handmade "bag" in which I put my tablet, typeboard and some pencils. I only need some more paper and it will be perfect. We also planned the rest of the day and the following days as well :)

Friday, 9th September 2016
The alarm woke us up early (around half 7 lol). After breakfast we jumped in the car and started our first long and fully packed day.

Our first stop was the Vintgar gorge. The beautiful nature welcomed us and cooled us a little as well. My friend surprised me. Although she has some medical problems, she managed to finish the whole way. I worried over this a bit to be honest.

Next stop wasn't far away. It was lake Bled. We parked our car close to the lake, took blankets, bought food and just went to the water. Sitting at the water was pleasant and calming. We ate our food, chatted and looked at the curious ducks and swans if there will be any food for them as well. We gave them some of course and then watched them swim away. The funniest was how the swans reacted to this one doggy that was walking around. Their sounds were like angry cats :D And the puppy came to snuggle to me a bit :) Such a sweet boy :) After a while we moved the blankets a little because our space we took was lake ship's dock and as soon as we saw tourist ship coming our way, we just packed and moved to the lawn, lied down, listened to music, entertained a little baby girl that kept looking our way and sneakily smiled at this one bickering couple (poor guy) XD

The third stop was down to the capital Ljubljana. Every Friday during summer and also in the fall, there is Open kitchen, stalls that sell freshly made food. We got ourself a portion of what we wanted then tried to look for a seat (it was really full). We saw some space left where two girls were already sitting and asked if we can join them. That is how we met an Australian and French girl and talked for a bit, having good time.

Last stop for the day was boat trip on river Ljubljanica in the capital. We picked a nice time because when we were returning, the sun already started to set a little and painted the world around us in prettier colors.

Tired from the long day, we left in direction towards home.

Saturday, 10th September 2016
On Saturday we didn't need an alarm. At first we had plans for this day but moved them on Sunday because my sister called me if I want to come for a bit in the afternoon. I admit I was in a bit of bad mood for a while because I was scared if the weather won't be good for our plans for Sunday. But, no big deal, it felt nice to relax in the forenoon and later as well. My friend and I watched a lot of movies ("High school debut" for a bit of fun time and whole "Rurouni Kenshin" trilogy). It was FUN!

Sunday, 11th September 2016
Another big day was before us and a lot of plans to squeeze in just one day. We woke up early again, jumped in the car and drove in the direction of seaside. We parked in Fiesa, close to the sea, stopped by the sea and dip our feet in it (no swimming for both of us). After it we walked by the sea towards Piran and uphill to the old city walls. Since my friend needed a rest, we stopped for a drink. She wrote her cards in the cafe while I went up on the city wall to take some pretty pictures. It was like an adventure because some spaces were really narrow or low and it was actually good my friend waited downstairs, even I had some problems here and there. It was worth going up there :)

Then we went down a bit to the church of St. Jurij, had a nice view over the city below and on the other side view to the sea. Going down to the city we walked on narrow paths between the houses. Our direction was a nice restaurant "The pirat" for lunch. We ordered our food and it was really good. My friend took filets of three fishes and I took pasta with seafood. I got the whole pan of it! It was like heaven for me. I love seafood! Silly me... even asked if I can take the shells home pffff and hey I got them :) I don't want to know what the restaurant thought, who cares :) (when I got home I put it in the water and nicely washed them :D ).

After lunch we went back, stopped for some ice cream then almost rushed back to Fiesa to my car. If we wouldn't have rushed, we could have missed our next stop which was an hour of drive away. It is Postojna caves. We bought our tickets and waited for 5PM when our tour with english guide would start. Actually it was nice we took english tour, there were many asian people, perfect for us :)
And then the tour started. I actually forgot how beautiful the underworld there is. Nature really is amazing! At first we drove this simple train down into the caves. Imagine 30 degrees outside then going down into a place that has through the whole year pleasant 10 degrees. Luckily we knew to bring some warm clothes so we weren't cold. Once the train stopped, our group had to walk a bit and the guide explained more or less basic things about the caves. We had a lot of fun taking pictures and fooling around like little kids, even taking some silly photos :D It was amazing to see the baby dragon/Proteus/human fish up close again. Just amazing! (we bought a plushy of it too hihi) I took a picture of it but it is not really a good one because of bad light (all cave pictures are so so because we were not allowed to use flash because it damages the caves). Here is my picture and picture from internet in case you don't know what this animal is :)

At the end of the tour we boarded the train again which led us through last part of openly opened caves to the last part of it which is pitch black due to fire from 2nd (or was it first...) world war (fire that lasted a week...). The cave in that part might take ages to recover. And we were back outside to almost hot again 26 or so degrees.
The sun was already setting (the tour was almost 2 hours) and we rushed back to the car and home.

Monday, 12th September 2016 - the last day
Tired after the Sunday, we slept longer again. After breakfast my friend started packing, we both refreshed ourselves then had a calm time napping and reading mangas. In the afternoon, after lunch we went to the capital (took my mom with us). We did a little bit of shopping, went for dinner together and also played pool for an hour. When her departure time was approaching, we drove to the bus station, had something to drink while waiting then it was the time to say bye-bye again...

Lastly, enjoy slideshow of pictures few best pictues I picked out :)
I just noticed that it shows only 1/3 of the pictures, just open the link that shows at the end for full one :)

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