
Two reasons for hiatus:
- Creating second blog.
- The deep pit of self criticism is getting deeper the more I try to crawl out of it.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bad clouds will be chased away

Some friends asked me yesterday about my moody mood. It was only a bit, I tried hard not to get to me too much. Thinking of it from good perspective or not thinking about it at all while doing other things, made it all better. Regarding reasons, there is this main culprit. 

That was my appointment with consultant for the unemployed people. Usually what they do is prolong the papers about how and where I will look for work, ask how it has been going and say: "Keep trying, don't give up." Sometimes this approach makes me feel like a number and not individual. It is like they approach to everyone the same way. 
Yesterday when I came there and saw it isn't even my consultant but someone enterely different I thought: "oh no... today will go even faster." Three people were before me and first two left in less than five minutes... Third was in longer then it was my turn. Okay I was inside around 15-20 minutes. I knew the woman from one of the workshops and knew she has much to say and might take me more personal. She opened my file and asked how it is going with libraries and my professional exam as librarian and to try and get it as soon as possible to ensure my bigger possibilities. She gave some other advices, especially we focused on library where I work(ed). As I often say, I planted my roots there, I keep them fertilized and growing :D I have few oportunities, I need to consult with boss about it. And of course my papers were prolonged together with workshop I applied to in JULY but it still didn't start because they got the money to do it but not professional teachers for us. rofl Even the woman was upset about it. Hopefully it starts soon, 6 days workshop (24 hours). So eventually it wasn't all that bad as I thought.

Let's leave it aside and move on to more pleasant topic. Some time ago I was a bit sulky because when I invited people out, they couldn't go. It felt like they often do that and took it a bit too serious. I will try not to think that anymore. After yesterday it sounds wrong :) Yesterday sister and a friend invited me out and so I have 3 evenings covered for the following week :) 

With sister I go to a concert of Perpetuum Jazzile, slovene vocal group. Her boyfriend can't go and so she thought of me to pull me out from home a bit :) Below I add example of their music. Creating sound of rain and thunder with only their hands... their voices sound pleasant :D Almost 20 million views wow!! I'm excited to go!

As for a friend, we both like asian things and once she learned about "A week of japanese movies" in one theatre in the capital, she contacted me. Entrance to all movies is free and we are going to see two, one on Monday (A band rabbit and a boy) and one on Friday (Maestro!). I'll tell about that more after I have seen them. Also really excited. 

Lastly, I saw this short new Pixar animation Piper. At first watch I was too excited after thinking: "Aaaaah how cuuuute!" But when I showed it to mom and later to dad, it made me think. The little bird was used to the warmth and safety of the nest. He didn't want to leave when mother invited him out and to teach him how to find food himself. When he gathered courage and couldn't resist his curiousity, he had bad experiance and ran back to the nest, scared to try it again. But he persisted through his fears, met a friend who taught him a good lesson which chased all his fears away. After then, he was more outside than inside the nest because he had too much fun outside. It sounds like something for me really :) 
I want to share it but links are up and down up and down... I'm afraid I'll have broken link here soon so, check it out!

And so good things will chase bad clouds away :) Wish you pleasant rest of the weekend :D

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